- American psychologist and editor (1860-1944) (同)James McKeen Cattell
- American psychologist (born in England) who developed a broad theory of human behavior based on multivariate research (1905-1998) (同)Ray Cattell, R. B. Cattell, Raymond B. Cattell, Raymond Bernard Cattell
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Cattell may refer to:
- Alexander G. Cattell, former United States senator from New Jersey.
- Alfred Cattell, Wales international rugby player
- James McKeen Cattell, the first psychology professor in the United States.
- Raymond Cattell, psychologist noted for major work in a variety of psychological research fields.
- William C. Cattell, President of Lafayette College from 1863 to 1883.
- Cattell Street, in Easton, Pennsylvania
- Cattell Culture Fair III, an IQ test constructed by Raymond Cattell which tested for both fluid and crystallized intelligence.
- Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory, a psychological theory.
English Journal
- Metaphorically speaking: cognitive abilities and the production of figurative language.
- Beaty RE, Silvia PJ.SourceDepartment of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, P. O. Box 26170, Greensboro, NC, 27402-6170, USA, rebeaty@uncg.edu.
- Memory & cognition.Mem Cognit.2012 Sep 28. [Epub ahead of print]
- Figurative language is one of the most common expressions of creative behavior in everyday life. However, the cognitive mechanisms behind figures of speech such as metaphors remain largely unexplained. Recent evidence suggests that fluid and executive abilities are important to the generation of con
- PMID 23055118
- Maternal intelligence-mental health and child neuropsychological development at age 14 months.
- Forns J, Julvez J, García-Esteban R, Guxens M, Ferrer M, Grellier J, Vrijheid M, Sunyer J.SourceCenter for Research in Environmental Epidemiology, Barcelona, Spain. jforns@creal.cat
- Gaceta sanitaria / S.E.S.P.A.S.Gac Sanit.2012 Sep-Oct;26(5):397-404. doi: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2011.10.011. Epub 2012 Jan 30.
- OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between maternal intelligence-mental health and neuropsychological development at age 14 months in a normal population, taking into account maternal occupational social class and education.METHODS: We prospectively studied a population-based birth cohort, which
- PMID 22284911
- Global, Broad, or Specific Cognitive Differences? Using a MIMIC Model to Examine Differences in CHC Abilities in Children With Learning Disabilities.
- Niileksela CR, Reynolds MR.AbstractThis study was designed to better understand the relations between learning disabilities and different levels of latent cognitive abilities, including general intelligence (g), broad cognitive abilities, and specific abilities based on the Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory of intelligence (CHC theory). Data from the Differential Ability Scales-Second Edition (DAS-II) were used to create a multiple-indicator multiple cause model to examine the latent mean differences in cognitive abilities between children with and without learning disabilities in reading (LD reading), math (LD math), and reading and writing (LD reading and writing). Statistically significant differences were found in the g factor between the norm group and the LD groups. After controlling for differences in g, the LD reading and LD reading and writing groups showed relatively lower latent processing speed, and the LD math group showed relatively higher latent comprehension-knowledge. There were also some differences in some specific cognitive abilities, including lower scores in spatial relations and numerical facility for the LD math group, and lower scores in visual memory for the LD reading and writing group. These specific mean differences were above and beyond any differences in the latent cognitive factor means.
- Journal of learning disabilities.J Learn Disabil.2012 Aug 18. [Epub ahead of print]
- This study was designed to better understand the relations between learning disabilities and different levels of latent cognitive abilities, including general intelligence (g), broad cognitive abilities, and specific abilities based on the Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory of intelligence (CHC theory). Da
- PMID 22907885
Japanese Journal
- 腹部大血管損傷 (特集 これだけは知っておきたいacute care surgery : プロが伝える腹部外傷への対応)
- Crystallization of High-strength Fine-sized Leucite Glass-ceramics
- Journal of dental research 89(12), 1510-1516, 2010-12-01
- NAID 10029475939
- 三好 一英,服部 環,Miyoshi Kazuhide,Hattori Tamaki,ミヨシ カズヒデ,ハットリ タマキ
- 筑波大学心理学研究 (40), 1-7, 2010
- NAID 120002402019
- シカゴ大学時代のジョン・デューイの書簡について(7)デューイのシカゴ大学辞職の経緯について
- 小柳 正司,Koyanagi Masashi
- 鹿児島大学教育学部研究紀要 教育科学編 60, 139-169[含 英語文要旨], 2008
- … In fact,Dewey confessed to James McKeen Cattell,who invited Dewey to the professorship of the Columbia University,that he was angry with Harper's lack of support for the laboratory school.Secondly,Dewey wished to get an administrative position at any university, while he negotiated with President Butler of Columbia about his transference from Chicago to New York. … Dewey suggested Cattell that the University of Illinois was looking for a president. …
- NAID 120002023376
Related Links
- Raymond Bernard Cattell (20 March 1905 – 2 February 1998) was a British and American psychologist, known for his exploration of many areas in psychology. These areas included: the basic dimensions of personality and temperament, ...
- James McKeen Cattell (May 25, 1860 – January 20, 1944), American psychologist, was the first professor of psychology in the United States at the University of Pennsylvania and long-time editor and publisher of scientific journals and ...
- Raymond Cattell was a pioneering psychologist who is perhaps best known for his use of multivariate analysis and his 16-factor personality model. Learn more about his life, career and contributions to psychology.
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