- (microscopy) a dye or other coloring material that is used in microscopy to make structures visible
- color for microscopic study; "The laboratory worker dyed the specimen"
- color with a liquid dye or tint; "Stain this table a beautiful walnut color"; "people knew how to stain glass a beautiful blue in the middle ages"
- produce or leave stains; "Red wine stains the table cloth"
- a soiled or discolored appearance; "the wine left a dark stain" (同)discoloration, discolouration
- marked or dyed or discolored with foreign matter; "a badly stained tablecloth"; "tear-stained cheeks"
- having a coating of stain or varnish (同)varnished
- the act of spotting or staining something (同)spotting, maculation
- (histology) the use of a dye to color specimens for microscopic study
- (…で)…‘を'『汚す』,‘に'しみをつける《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 〈ガラス・木材・布など〉‘に'『着色する』 / (…で)〈人格・名声など〉‘を'汚す,‘に'傷をつける《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 汚れる,しみがつく / 〈C〉〈U〉(…についた)『しみ』,汚れ《+『on』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉着色剤,染料 / 〈C〉(人格・名声などに対する)汚点,傷《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》
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English Journal
- Alveolar bone regeneration by implantation of nacre and B-tricalcium phosphate in Guinea pig.
- Asvanund P, Chunhabundit P.Source*Assistant Professor and Director of Prosthodontic Residency Training Program, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. †Assistant Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Innovation, Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Implant dentistry.Implant Dent.2012 Jun;21(3):248-53.
- PURPOSE: : To investigate alveolar bone regeneration after nacre implantation in comparison to β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) for the potential application to bone grafting.MATERIAL AND METHODS: : The rod-shaped, 2 × 2 mm in diameter and length, implanted materials were prepared from nacre partic
- PMID 22614846
- Effects of prolonged water washing of tissue samples fixed in formalin on histological staining.
- Suzuki Y, Imada T, Yamaguchi I, Yoshitake H, Sanada H, Kashiwagi T, Takaba K.SourceToxicological Research Laboratories Kyowa Hakko Kirin, Co., Ltd., Sunto-gun, Shizuoka, Japan. yui.manabe@kyowa-kirin.co.jp
- Biotechnic & histochemistry : official publication of the Biological Stain Commission.Biotech Histochem.2012 May;87(4):241-8. Epub 2011 Sep 29.
- The effects of prolonged water washing after fixation for 48 h in 10% (v/v) phosphate-buffered neutral formalin on the quality of representative histological staining methods were evaluated using samples of liver, kidney, spleen and thymus collected from three male Crl:CD(SD)(IGS) rats and one male
- PMID 21958122
Japanese Journal
- 19年の経過で繰り返し肝生検を行ったTFR2ヘモクロマトーシスの1例
- 川中 美和,中村 純,岡 好仁,中村 智成,後藤 大輔,大和 隆明,西野 謙,末廣 満彦,河本 博文,山田 剛太郎,服部 亜衣,林 久男
- 肝臓 52(11), 745-752, 2011-11-25
- 症例は68歳男性.病歴,血液検査,画像検査,肝組織像,遺伝子解析などから,TFR2ヘモクロマトーシス(1861_1872del 12)と診断した.診断時,すでに肝硬変であったが,瀉血による治療を継続し,診断後20年経過しているが,糖尿病や心不全の発症なく,良好な経過をえている.19年目に施行した肝生検でも,初回肝生検に比べ,肝内の鉄沈着は消失し,明らかに線維は細くなり,膠原線維のみならず,弾力線維 …
- NAID 10030240598
- 頚動脈ステント留置術中に回収されたデブリスの同定:頚動脈内膜剥離術病理標本と対比して
- 林 健太郎,堀江 信貴,森川 実,宗 剛平,竹下 朝規,陶山 一彦,永田 泉
- 脳神経血管内治療 5(2), 99-105, 2011
- 【目的】頚動脈ステント留置術(carotid artery stenting;CAS)は主にフィルターデバイスを用いて行われる.我々は術後にフィルターをHematoxylinEosin(HE)染色し,回収されたデブリスを観察している.本研究では頚動脈内膜剥離術(carotid endarterectomy;CEA)病理標本とデブリスを比較し,デブリスの性状の同定を試みた.【対象と方法】当科にてCA …
- NAID 130002148743
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- Azan stain is a complex method for general histology. This stain is suitable for color photographs (Vasa Deferentia Fluctuation 1; Vasa Deferentia Fluctuation 2; Testicular Lobules; Testis-Ova; Female Genital System; Prolactin ...
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- 英
- Azan stain
膠原線維 濃青色
細網線維、基底膜 青色
細胞核 赤色
- 関
- coloring agent、dye、staining、tissue stain