- ラ
- Arabis
- 関
- ハタザオ属、アラビス属
- a member of a Semitic people originally from the Arabian peninsula and surrounding territories who speaks Arabic and who inhabits much of the Middle East and northern Africa (同)Arabian
- annual to perennial woody herbs of temperate North America, Europe and Asia: rockcress (同)genus Arabis
- (またArabian)アラブ人 / =Arabian horse / アラブ[人]の
Related Links
- イワテハタザオ 学名:Arabis serrata var. japonica f. fauriei イワハタザオ 学名:Arabis serrata var. japonica 3a ウメハタザオ 学名:Arabis serrata var. japonica f. grandiflora エゾノイワハタザオ 学名:Arabis serrata var. glauca 2b
- Arabis Contents 1 Information 1.1 Endangered Species 2 Family/Genus Description 3 Links 3.1 Images 3.2 Trivia Information Endangered Species Rank Japanese Name (和名) Latin Name (学名) 絶滅危惧ⅠA類(CR) ヘラハタザオ ...
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- ラ
- Arabis
- 関
- ハタザオ属、Arabis属
- ラ
- Arabis
- 関
- Arabis属、アラビス属