- make unavailable; bar from sale or distribution; "The company recalled the product when it was found to be faulty"
- the act of removing an official by petition
- a request by the manufacturer of a defective product to return the product (as for replacement or repair) (同)callback
- the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort); "he has total recall of the episode" (同)recollection, reminiscence
- a bugle call that signals troops to return
- a call to return; "the recall of our ambassador"
- summon to return; "The ambassador was recalled to his country"; "The company called back many of the workers it had laid off during the recession" (同)call_back
- cause to be returned; "recall the defective auto tires"; "The manufacturer tried to call back the spoilt yoghurt" (同)call_in, call_back, withdraw
- cause ones (or someone elses) thoughts or attention to return from a reverie or digression; "She was recalled by a loud laugh"
- a period of time equal to 1/24th of a day; "the job will take more than an hour" (同)hr, 60 minutes
- clock time; "the hour is getting late" (同)time of day
- a special and memorable period; "it was their finest hour"
- distance measured by the time taken to cover it; "we live an hour from the airport"; "its just 10 minutes away" (同)minute
- of or relating to the diet; "dietary restrictions" (同)dietetic, dietetical
- a regulated daily food allowance
- a period of time assigned for work; "they work long hours"
- an indefinite period of time; "they talked for hours"
- …‘を'『思い出す』,…‘が'思い出される / (…から…へ)〈人〉‘を'『呼び戻す』,召還する;〈物〉‘を'回収する《+『名』+『from』+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈命令・決定など〉‘を'『取り消す』,徹回する / 《米》…‘を'任期満了前に解雇する / 〈U〉(人・物事を)『思い出すこと』,(…の)回想《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《時にa ~》(人の)召還;(物の)回収 / 〈U〉取り消し,徹回 / 〈U〉〈C〉リコール(有権者による公職者の罷免)
- 〈C〉(60分としての)『1時間』(《略》h,H,hr,複hrs) / 〈C〉(時計で示される)『時刻』,時 / 〈C〉(ある事をする)特定の時間,定刻 / 〈C〉(一般的な)時,時間 / 《複数形》勤務(営業)時間 / 〈C〉1時間の道のり / 〈C〉(授業の)1時間,1時限;(大学などの)履習単位(1週間の授業時間数) / 《the~》現在
- 食事の;規定食の,食養生の / 規定食,特別食
- ほう(驚き・賞賛・冷笑などの発声);お‐い(呼びかけ・注意などの発声)
- 娼婦・売春婦:(whoreの発音をくずしたもの)
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English Journal
- An overview of the state of the art of automated capture of dietary intake information.
- Steele R1.
- Critical reviews in food science and nutrition.Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr.2015 Nov 10;55(13):1929-38. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2013.765828.
- Significant benefits arise from being able to capture dietary or nutritional intake information automatically or semi-automatically. These include the ability for individuals to know and understand their nutritional intake and hence improve their diet and health. To date, only highly manual processe
- PMID 24950017
- Association of fathers' feeding practices and feeding style on preschool age children's diet quality, eating behavior and body mass index.
- Vollmer RL1, Adamsons K2, Foster JS1, Mobley AR3.
- Appetite.Appetite.2015 Jun;89:274-81. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2015.02.021. Epub 2015 Feb 17.
- The associations of parental feeding practices and feeding style with childhood obesity have gained more attention in the literature recently; however, fathers are rarely included within these studies. The aim of this research was to determine the relationship of paternal feeding practices on child
- PMID 25700629
- Investigating the Relationship of Body Mass Index, Diet Quality, and Physical Activity Level between Fathers and Their Preschool-Aged Children.
- Vollmer RL, Adamsons K, Gorin A, Foster JS, Mobley AR.
- Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.J Acad Nutr Diet.2015 Jun;115(6):919-26. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2014.12.003. Epub 2015 Jan 28.
- BACKGROUND: Diet quality and physical activity are two important factors in determining a child's risk for obesity. In early childhood, parents may serve as role models for these behaviors. However, few studies have examined associations of a father's body mass index (BMI), dietary intake, and physi
- PMID 25650351
Japanese Journal
- A Hierarchical Regression Model for Dietary Data Adjusting for Covariates Measurement Error by Regression Calibration : An Application to a Large Prospective Study for Diabetic Complications
- Taguri Masataka,Matsuyama Yutaka,Ohashi Yasuo [他],SONE Hirohito,YOSHIMURA Yukio,YAMADA Nobuhiro
- 計量生物学 31(2), 49-62, 2010-12-31
- … To examine the effect of food intakes on the occurrence of a specific disease, it is necessary to take account of numerous measurement errors in dietary assessment instruments, such as the 24-hour recall or the food frequency questionnaire. …
- NAID 10027840240
- Trends in Nutritional Intake and Serum Cholesterol Levels over 40 Years in Tanushimaru, Japanese Men
- ADACHI Hisashi,HINO Asuka
- Journal of epidemiology 15(3), 85-89, 2005-05-01
- … BACKGROUND: Rapid socioeconomic development in Japan since the beginning of the Seven Countries Study in 1958 has brought remarkable changes in lifestyle and dietary patterns. … Eating patterns were evaluated by 24-hour dietary recall from 1958 through 1989, and by a food frequency questionnaire in 1999. …
- NAID 10015648809
- Trends in Dietary Intake of Folate, Vitamins B_6, and B_<12> among Japanese Adults in Two Rural Communities from 1974 through 2001
- YOSHINO Kaori,INAGAWA Mieko,OSHIMA Miyuki,YOKOTA Kimiko,UMESAWA Mitsumasa,ENBO Ma,YAMAGISHI Kazumasa,TANIGAWA Takeshi,SATO Shinichi,SHIMAMOTO Takashi,ISO Hiroyasu
- Journal of epidemiology 15(2), 29-37, 2005-03-01
- … BACKGROUND: The 5th edition of the Japanese food composition table enables us to evaluate intakes of folate and vitamins B6 and B12, which are associated with risk of chronic diseases.METHODS: We investigated long-term trends in dietary intake of those nutrients in two rural communities; … The 24-hour recall method was adopted. …
- NAID 10014377691
Related Links
- 1. J Am Diet Assoc. 1985 Nov;85(11):1437-42. Validity of the 24-hour dietary recall. Karvetti RL, Knuts LR. The validity of the 24-hour recall was studied with a comparison of recalled and observed food and nutrient intake for 140 ...
- 24 Hour Dietary Recall . By: Melanie Luong Nutrition Education Assistant Program. Outline. Purpose Preparation Opening the Interview Conducting the ... An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download ...
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- 英
- 24-hour dietary recall
- 思い出す、想起する(from)。(物事を)思い出させる(to mind)
- (事が)想起させる、似ている。(心、注意などを)(現実などに)呼び戻す
- 呼び出す(from)。(大使を)召還/罷免する。(公職にある者を)リコールする。(欠陥商品を)回収する
- (命令などを)取り消す、撤回する
- 回想、想起
- 呼び出し。(大使などの)償還。(公職者の解任)リコール。(欠陥商品の)回収
- 関
- retrieval、retrieve
- 食事性の、食餌性の、食物性の、食事由来の、食物由来の
- 関
- alimentary、foodborne
- 関
- hr、moment、time