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- 至適透析
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- 1. 慢性腎疾患における透析開始の適応indications for initiation of dialysis in chronic kidney disease [show details]
…Disadvantages of chronic dialysis include the risks of dialysis-associated complications and a lifetime of episodic discomfort and inconvenience. The optimal time to initiate chronic dialysis is when the nephrologist …
- 2. 透析の方法および患者の転帰dialysis modality and patient outcome [show details]
… associated with dialysis adequacy, the use of daily or nocturnal hemodialysis, and the selection of different types of peritoneal dialysis are discussed elsewhere. Dialysis modalities include …
- 3. 高齢者への維持透析maintenance dialysis in the older adult [show details]
… of incident dialysis patients >75 years on peritoneal dialysis was 7.6 percent compared with 9.9 percent among those 65 to 74 years of age . The decision to initiate maintenance dialysis should be discussed …
- 4. 急性腎障害の腎代替療法(透析):代謝および血行動態に関する注意点kidney replacement therapy dialysis in acute kidney injury metabolic and hemodynamic considerations [show details]
…of solute removal by dialysis and the hemodynamic changes that occur will be reviewed here. The indications for dialysis in patients with acute kidney injury, the goals for dialysis delivery, concerns related …
- 5. 成人の急性腎障害における腎代替療法(透析):適応、タイミング、透析量kidney replacement therapy dialysis in acute kidney injury in adults indications timing and dialysis dose [show details]
…versus 16 days). The delivered dialysis dose in the every other day group, as assessed by single-pool Kt/V, was low (0.94 per dialysis). By comparison, the daily dialysis group received the same per treatment …
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- 適正透析 11 Part1 解説 適正透析の明確な定義は現在のところ確立されていないため,本ガイドラインでは,①物質除去や除水からみた適 正透析,②循環動態からみた適正透析,③併用療法における適正透析の3つに分け,それぞれ
- 適正透析 2 透析量を考える 透析量の概念 透析量 = 透析効率 × 透析時間 • 血液透析により、どれだけの体液*が浄 化されたか、又はどれだけ体液中の毒素 が除去できたかを意味します。 * 血液ではなく、体液というところが ...
- 透析とは“透析療法”のことで、腎臓の機能が低下した場合に、その機能を人工的に置き換える治療のことです。. 血液透析と腹膜透析の2つの治療法があります。. 腎臓は体内の水分やナトリウム、カリウムなどのミネラルの量を調節して体液の量や ...
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- 英
- adequacy of dialysis
- 同
- 適正透析 optimal dialysis
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- appropriate、appropriately
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- 妥当、適宜、適切、適した
- 英
- dialysis
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- ドナン膜平衡