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- 1. 筋肉におけるエネルギー代謝energy metabolism in muscle [show details]
…higher in type 2, fast muscle fibers. The metabolism of lipids in muscle occurs via beta- and omega-oxidation of fatty acids. At rest, fatty acids are the major energy substrate for muscle. Long-chain fatty …
- 2. 心不全における骨格筋機能低下および運動耐容能低下skeletal muscle dysfunction and exercise intolerance in heart failure [show details]
… twitch, while type IIb are fast twitch. A number of biochemical abnormalities in skeletal muscle have been identified in patients with HF . In one study, for example, skeletal muscle biopsy revealed atrophy …
- 3. 大腿四頭筋腱の損傷quadriceps muscle and tendon injuries [show details]
… of type II (fast twitch) muscle fibers . In addition to generating greater force, type II fibers fatigue more quickly, another risk factor for injury. Injuries to the quadriceps muscles and tendons …
- 4. 運動生理学exercise physiology [show details]
… mitochondrial biogenesis, fast-to-slow fiber transformation, expansion of the muscle capillary bed, and changes in substrate metabolism. Resistance training typically increases the size of muscle fibers, which leads …
- 5. 筋萎縮性側索硬化症およびその他の運動ニューロン疾患の診断diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other forms of motor neuron disease [show details]
… darkly staining. Fiber-type grouping is a prominent finding that reflects reinnervation. Muscle cell type (fast, slow, or intermediate twitch) is determined by the innervating motor neuron and leads to …
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- 英
- fast muscle
- 同
- 速い筋
- 関
- 速筋線維、筋線維、筋肉