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- 1. アレルギー性鼻炎の薬物療法pharmacotherapy of allergic rhinitis [show details]
…alpha-adrenergic receptors, resulting in rebound nasal congestion. It typically arises after three to seven days of use and can lead to a cycle of nasal congestion both caused by and temporarily relieved by the …
- 2. 鼻炎の概要an overview of rhinitis [show details]
…Increased congestion with supine position and increased congestion in the lower nasal passage when lying on one side. The normal nasal cycle in the vertical position produces alternating congestion of the …
- 3. 成人における合併症のない急性副鼻腔炎および鼻副鼻腔炎:治療uncomplicated acute sinusitis and rhinosinusitis in adults treatment [show details]
…rhinorrhea in patients with concurrent common cold symptoms. It may not have significant effect on nasal congestion. Oral decongestants – Oral decongestants may be useful when Eustachian tube dysfunction is a …
- 4. 小児における感冒:臨床的特徴および診断the common cold in children clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
…viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, involving, to variable degrees, sneezing, nasal congestion and discharge (rhinorrhea), sore throat, cough, low-grade fever, headache, and malaise. It can …
- 5. 小児における感冒:マネージメントおよび予防the common cold in children management and prevention [show details]
…rebound nasal congestion after discontinuation . A 2016 systematic review found low-quality evidence that multiple doses of oral and/or topical decongestants subjectively improved nasal congestion in adults …
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