- 英
- loop
- 関
- 係蹄、ループ、輪
- move in loops; "The bicycle looped around the tree"
- anything with a round or oval shape (formed by a curve that is closed and does not intersect itself)
- a flight maneuver; aircraft flies a complete circle in the vertical plane (同)loop-the-loop
- an intrauterine device in the shape of a loop
- a computer program that performs a series of instructions repeatedly until some specified condition is satisfied
- an inner circle of advisors (especially under President Reagan); "hes no longer in the loop"
- the basic pattern of the human fingerprint
- make a loop in; "loop a rope" (同)intertwine
- fasten or join with a loop; "He looped the watch through his belt"
- fly loops, perform a loop; "the stunt pilot looped his plane"
- (糸・ひも・針金などで作った)『輪』・輪状のもの;(輪状の)湾曲部・(宙返り飛行・スケートなどで描く)輪・ループ (ある条件が成立するまで繰り返し実行される,プログラム中に記述された一連の命令のこと)・仲間、影響}を受け合う間柄・同列の立場・「keep誰々in the loop」として、「keep誰々informed:情報を(人)に絶えず提供し続ける、報告を(人)に欠かさない、(人)に逐次連絡する、(人)に常に通知する」・避妊リング; (鉄道・電線などの)環状線(loop line)・…‘を'輪にする,輪で囲む・…‘を'輪で結ぶ,輪で締める《+『up』+『名,』+『名』+『up』》・輪になる,輪を描く
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Japanese Journal
- 飛島―指掌皮膚紋理に見られる,集落間の形質分化について
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- 関
- ansa、ring、wheel
- 英
- loop、ansa
- 関
- 蹄状紋、ループ、輪