- 英
- lung fluid, lung liquid
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- 肺水
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- 1. 成人における胸水の診断的評価:初期検査diagnostic evaluation of a pleural effusion in adults initial testing [show details]
…management plan in a majority of patients who undergo pleural fluid analysis. An approach to pleural fluid analysis will be presented here. Pleural fluid microbiologic tests, pleural imaging, the technique …
- 2. 成人における非悪性胸水のマネージメントmanagement of nonmalignant pleural effusions in adults [show details]
…this decision. Pleural effusions due to congestive heart failure (CHF) and hepatic hydrothorax are among the most common etiologies that result in recurrent or persistent pleural effusions. As an example …
- 3. 成人における胸水の診断的評価:病因未確定に対する追加検査diagnostic evaluation of pleural effusion in adults additional tests for undetermined etiology [show details]
… Pleural effusions can develop as a result of over 50 different pleuropulmonary or systemic disorders. Following diagnostic thoracentesis, the cause of a pleural effusion is not evident in up to 25 percent …
- 4. 胸水を認めた新生児へのアプローチapproach to the neonate with pleural effusions [show details]
…production of pleural fluid, thought to be produced by the visceral pleura, and absorption by the lymphatics of the parietal pleura. Pleural effusions occur when there is excessive pleural fluid production …
- 5. 成人における胸水の画像検査imaging of pleural effusions in adults [show details]
…pressure enhances pleural liquid formation, leading to the accumulation of pleural effusions which accumulate in these areas subtended by lung with the greatest elastic recoil . Pleural effusions can also loculate …
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- 英
- lung liquid
- 同
- 肺液