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- 1. 皮膚石灰沈着症:病院および患者の評価calcinosis cutis etiology and patient evaluation [show details]
… of calcinosis cutis: dystrophic, metastatic, idiopathic, iatrogenic, and calciphylaxis Dystrophic calcinosis cutis: Dystrophic calcinosis cutis results from local tissue damage. Systemic calcium metabolism …
- 2. 皮膚石灰沈着症:マネージメントcalcinosis cutis management [show details]
… nodule, and tumoral calcinosis are forms of idiopathic calcinosis cutis. If treatment is desired, the calcium deposits can be removed with surgical excision. Iatrogenic calcinosis cutis most often results …
- 3. 成人における全身性硬化症(強皮症)の治療および予後の概要overview of the treatment and prognosis of systemic sclerosis scleroderma in adults [show details]
…lesions. Calcinosis can lead to significant hand disability, can lead to ulceration of the overlying skin, and can become infected. In patients with ulceration and/or infection due to calcinosis, we treat …
- 4. 高リン血症の原因および治療の概要overview of the causes and treatment of hyperphosphatemia [show details]
… by impairing renal function (in part due to direct renal vasoconstriction). Familial tumoral calcinosis is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by hyperphosphatemia due to an increase in …
- 5. 若年性皮膚筋炎および多発性筋炎:治療、合併症および予後juvenile dermatomyositis and polymyositis treatment complications and prognosis [show details]
…patients are at increased risk for persistent pain, calcinosis, and disability. Complications associated with JDM include osteoporosis, calcinosis, and intestinal perforation. Patients with JDM have …
Japanese Journal
- 直井 勇人,橘 智靖,春名 威範,松山 祐子,小松原 靖聡
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 112(2), 99-102, 2019
- <p>Sialodochitis fibrinosa is a rare disorder characterized by repetitive swelling of the salivary gland resulting from obstructive changes of the salivary duct caused by the presence of fibrino …
- NAID 130007589935
- 臨床報告 画像検索が有用であった上強膜骨性分離腫の1例
- 小澤 憲司,管野 宏昭,高木 向寿江,石澤 聡子,望月 清文,齊郷 智恵美,川島 啓祐,川上 秀昭
- 眼科 60(3), 285-289, 2018-03
- NAID 40021510334
- 未処置乳頭における,魚骨が核となった総胆管結石症の1例
- 森本 有加里,松村 雅彦,藤田 泰三,水野 龍義,伊藤 あろか,中野 知幸,蜂須賀 崇,巽 孝成,森田 敏裕,小西 登
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 60(7), 1338-1343, 2018
- … <p>症例は73歳女性.右季肋部痛,背部痛を主訴に当院を受診し,腹部CTにて総胆管下部に線状の石灰化陰影を認め,総胆管結石と診断した.内視鏡的乳頭切開術(EST)を行い,針状の結石を2本摘出した.病理組織学的所見や成分分析の結果,魚骨と判断した.魚骨を核とした総胆管結石の報告はまれであり,Vater乳頭に対する未処置例において,複数の魚骨が存在した報告例は検索しえた限りみられず,文献的考察 …
- NAID 130007399878
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