- 英
- mercury vapor lamp
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- 1. 水銀毒性mercury toxicity [show details]
… of the mercury vapor taken into the lung is eliminated via exhalation, most absorbed mercury is eliminated in the feces . The central nervous system is the major site of deposition for mercury derived …
- 2. 小児における後天性末梢性ニューロパチーの概要overview of acquired peripheral neuropathies in children [show details]
…(eg, eating contaminated fish) or inorganic mercury (eg, antiseptic solutions, occupational exposures). The principal organ systems affected by mercury poisoning are the central nervous system and the kidneys …
- 3. 女性の生殖への職業上・環境上のリスク:特定の物質への暴露とその影響occupational and environmental risks to reproduction in females specific exposures and impact [show details]
… vaporizes at room temperature and is mainly absorbed through vapor inhalation and not by oral ingestion of the liquid. For women with mercury-containing dental amalgams, exposure could occur during chewing …
- 4. 自閉症スペクトラム障害と慢性疾患:ワクチンやチメロサールが要因という根拠はないautism spectrum disorder and chronic disease no evidence for vaccines or thimerosal as a contributing factor [show details]
… clinical effects of low-dose exposure to mercury. The only studies describing low-dose exposure to organic mercury are those involving prenatal exposure to methylmercury from fish consumption in the Seychelles …
- 5. 妊娠中の魚類摂取および魚由来のオメガ-3脂肪酸補充療法fish consumption and marine omega 3 fatty acid supplementation in pregnancy [show details]
…sensitive to the harms of mercury. Exposure to methylmercury in fetal life can cause diffuse and widespread neurologic damage , best illustrated by episodes of community-wide mercury poisoning in Japan (Minamata …
Japanese Journal
- 紡織纎維風化現象の研究:第1報 石英水銀燈の紫外線の強さ
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- 水銀蒸気灯
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- mercury, Hg
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- vapor、vapour、steam
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