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- 1. 甲状腺疾患における超音波検査の臨床的有用性の概要overview of the clinical utility of ultrasonography in thyroid disease [show details]
… Current methods of ultrasonography permit "real-time" identification of structures as small as 2 mm in diameter,… conditions, and exposure to nuclear fallout (from testing, accidents, or in Japanese survivors of atomic bombing). The use of screening thyroid ultrasound to detect nodules in radiation-exposed patients is controversial …
- 2. 成人の炎症性腸疾患の定義、疫学、危険因子definitions epidemiology and risk factors for inflammatory bowel disease in adults [show details]
…7). The risk of ulcerative colitis increased with longer duration of hormone use and decreased with time since discontinuation. The risks associated with oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy…
- 3. 鎌状赤血球症における赤血球輸血red blood cell transfusion in sickle cell disease [show details]
…vaso-occlusive pain and acute chest syndrome (ACS) events. In contrast, simple blood transfusion given at the time of an uncomplicated vaso-occlusive pain episode (eg, to raise the Hgb level to 10 g/dL) has not been …
- 4. 末梢神経疾患および筋疾患の鑑別診断differential diagnosis of peripheral nerve and muscle disease [show details]
…origin of nervous system complaints can be derived from asking detailed questions about pain, the time course of illness, and CNS dysfunction. Both central and peripheral nervous system disorders can be …
- 5. 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19):成人における外来患者のマネージメントcoronavirus disease 2019 covid 19 outpatient management in adults [show details]
…Coordinated outreach and management approach based upon individual patient risk, severity of symptoms, and time course of disease. Clinician telehealth (telephone call or video platform-based) visits (initial …
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- 英
- melioidosis
- 同
- ホイットモア病 ホイットモーア病 Whitmore's disease Whitmore disease、時限爆弾病 time bomb disease
- 関
- 四類感染症。鼻疽
- 英
- disease、sickness
- 関
- 疾病、不調、病害、病気、疾患