- 英
- devote
- 関
- 充てる
- set aside or apart for a specific purpose or use; "this land was devoted to mining"
- 〈生涯・労力・時間など〉‘を'『ささげる』,あてる:《『devote』+『名』+『to』+『名』(do『ing』)…に…をささげる》
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- 1. 透析装置の再利用reuse of dialyzers [show details]
…still commonly used in other parts of the world, particularly in countries with limited resources to dedicate to renal replacement therapies . Only hollow-fiber dialyzers that are labeled by the manufacturer…
- 2. 皮膚むしり症(かきむしり)および関連疾患skin picking excoriation disorder and related disorders [show details]
…pain . A SPD episode typically lasts 6 to 10 minutes; however, it is not uncommon for patients to dedicate hours to the process on a daily basis . Activity peaks in the evening, between the hours of 8 pm…
- 3. 女性における尿失禁の治療treatment of urinary incontinence in women [show details]
…weighted vaginal cones. These may be preferable for women who have insufficient time or resources to dedicate to supervised physical therapy or biofeedback. The woman inserts the cone in her vagina and uses…
- 4. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in children: Prevention and controlmethicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus mrsa in children prevention and control [show details]
…personnel caring for the patient (eg, assign dedicated caregivers) Implement appropriate infection control precautions (standard and contact precautions); dedicate nondisposable items that cannot be cleaned …
- 5. 内視鏡の洗浄消毒endoscope disinfection [show details]
…20°C), and steam sterilization in an autoclave (134 to 138°C for 18 minutes) . Some endoscopy units dedicate a set of endoscopes for patients with known prion disease, although the cost of this practice is …
Japanese Journal
- Loy Kratung : 水の女神に祈りを捧げる精霊流しの歌
- スペインにおける文化闘争の現在 : 少尉候補生に捧げるモノリス撤去をめぐる攻防
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- 英
- assign、devote、apply
- 関
- あてはまる、応用、捧げる、適用、割り当てる、指定、アプライ、帰属
- 関
- apply、assign