- 英
- contused-lacerated wound
- 関
- 挫創
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- 1. コカイン:急性中毒cocaine acute intoxication [show details]
…anterior spinal cord syndrome, occur rarely . Crack cocaine requires high temperatures to be vaporized and smoked. Angioedema and pharyngeal burns can occur when crack is smoked. Injury to the upper and lower …
- 2. 成人におけるコカイン使用障害:病態、薬理学、臨床症状、医学的転帰、および診断cocaine use disorder in adults epidemiology pharmacology clinical manifestations medical consequences and diagnosis [show details]
…They differ in physical properties, which allow different routes of administration. Cocaine base ("crack," "freebase") can be smoked because it has a relatively low melting point (98ºC) and vaporizes before …
- 3. コカイン乱用の肺合併症pulmonary complications of cocaine abuse [show details]
…conditions, transient population, and frequent coughing from crack use that are found in crack houses . In addition, it has been suggested that crack use may directly predispose to infection with tuberculosis …
- 4. 注射薬物使用者に生じる肺疾患の概要overview of pulmonary disease in people who inject drugs [show details]
…been reported as a complication of crack cocaine use, septic pulmonary emboli, and drug-related bullous disease . Pneumomediastinum is associated with inhalation of crack cocaine and, less commonly, intranasal …
- 5. 違法薬物の急性摂取(体内隠匿による)acute ingestion of illicit drugs body stuffing [show details]
…the drug ingested?; How many packets were ingested?; What drug and formulation (eg, powdered versus crack cocaine) were ingested?; Were the packets wrapped? If so, how were they wrapped and what materials …
Japanese Journal
- 労災保険給付に関する裁決例 業務上負傷した左前頭葉開放性骨折、左上目瞼・頬部・下顎挫裂創治癒後に外傷性てんかんが再発し、急性心不全により死亡したことが業務上の事由によるものと認められなかったもの(平成16.2 労働保険審査会裁決・棄却)
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- 英
- laceration, lacerated wound
- ラ
- vulnus lacerum, vulnus scissum
- 同
- 裂傷、裂開創 grapping wound
- 関
- 伸展創 traction wounds