- 英
- prison psychosis
- 関
- 拘禁反応
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- 1. 癌患者に生じる精神障害の臨床的特徴と診断:概要clinical features and diagnosis of psychiatric disorders in patients with cancer overview [show details]
… developed psychiatric disorders, compared with patients who were free of psychiatric disorders (hazard ratio 1.7, 95% CI 1.2-2.3). This topic reviews the clinical features and diagnosis of psychiatric disorders …
- 2. 重度の精神疾患患者に見られる心血管疾患の発症リスクのマネージメントapproach to managing increased risk for cardiovascular disease in patients with severe mental illness [show details]
… Lifespans in people with severe mental illness (SMI) are reduced by 15 to 25 years compared with the general population . Cardiovascular disease (CVD) represents the most common natural cause of this …
- 3. 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19):精神疾患coronavirus disease 2019 covid 19 psychiatric illness [show details]
…extreme physiological and psychological stressors that are life-threatening and traumatic, and frequently precipitate persistent psychiatric illness . In addition, psychiatric illnesses that occur during the …
- 4. 重度の精神疾患を来す肥満患者や過体重患者への生活習慣改善を目的にした介入lifestyle interventions for obesity and overweight patients with severe mental illness [show details]
…to early mortality. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in those with severe mental illness (SMI) . Lifestyle modification for obesity and overweight individuals focused on weight reduction …
- 5. 重度の精神障害者への包括型地域生活支援プログラムassertive community treatment for patients with severe mental illness [show details]
… provided to persons with severe mental illness who have been involved in the criminal justice system, with the expectation that closer monitoring of the psychiatric illness and assistance in meeting daily …
Japanese Journal
- 無床総合病院精神科に求められる機能について--福岡東医療センター精神科開設初年度の状況からの考察
- こころざしつつたふれし少女--伊藤千代子--治安維持法弾圧下の深層 拘禁精神病発症者群の発掘 (特集 侵略戦争と弾圧の犠牲者たち)
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Related Pictures

- 英
- prison reaction
- 関
- 拘禁精神病、赦免妄想
- 英
- disease、sickness
- 関
- 疾病、不調、病害、病気、疾患
- 英
- psychosis, insanity