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- 1. 妊婦や出産後の女性に生じた急性腹症へのアプローチapproach to acute abdominal pain in pregnant and postpartum women [show details]
…symptoms and findings on chest radiograph . Obesity increases the risk of hiatal hernia. The wandering spleen syndrome is a rare cause of acute abdominal pain where the spleen migrates from its normal…
- 2. 認知症に関連する安全性および社会問題safety and societal issues related to dementia [show details]
…restlessness may lead to wandering. Signs on doors may reorient patients, and alarms may control movement. Regular supervised exercise can also lessen restlessness and the drive to wander. However, memory loss …
- 3. 認知症の神経精神症状のマネージメントmanagement of neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia [show details]
…result in improved daytime symptoms. Distractibility and restlessness may lead to wandering. The issue of wandering and becoming lost, with the attendant potential for physical harm or death, is one of …
- 4. 米国の専門的看護施設(SNF)における医療medical care in skilled nursing facilities snfs in the united states [show details]
…treatment is presented separately. f The treatment of dementia-related behavioral symptoms (agitation, wandering, aggression, and other symptoms) is often difficult in the SNF environment and is discussed separately …
- 5. せん妄および急性錯乱状態:予防、治療、および予後delirium and acute confusional states prevention treatment and prognosis [show details]
…clinical staff . Periods of disruptive and hyperactive behavior place the patient at risk for falls, wandering off, or inadvertently removing intravenous lines and feeding tubes. When delirium is manifest by…
Japanese Journal
- campylobacter属菌のcoccoid formに関する研究--とくに菌形態の彷徨変異について
- 継代培養中に病原力が低下したイネ白葉枯病細菌からの単集落培養による強病原力株の選出
- 江塚 昭典
- 関西病虫害研究会報 22(0), 1-6, 1980
- … この差はさらに単集落培養を繰り返しても変わらないので, 彷徨変異によるものではない. …
- NAID 130004642591
- 長島 政喜
- 蚕糸試験場彙報 (92), 1-20, 1968-12
- … によって異なり,概括すると日本種系統が生葉育に近いいわゆる良好な発育を示し,支那種と欧州種系統は不良なものが多かった.この指数によって全品種の変異の状況をみると,経過時数についてはほぼ彷徨変異の分布を示し,変異係数は約11であったが,眠蚕体重の変異係数は1眠蚕が19,2眠蚕が30という異常な値を示した.また2眠蚕に至るまでの生存歩合も品種間で大きな差異がみとめられ,その良否は経過時数や …
- NAID 40017824166
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- 英
- fluctuation, environmental variation
- 同
- 彷徨変異
- 関
- 遺伝的変異
- 英
- variation (KH.250)
- 関
- 破格
- 平均値から±2-3σの範囲の値を示すもの (KH.250)
- 英
- mutation
- 同
- 突然変異
- 日
- ほうこう