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- 1. 寝汗や全身性多汗症のある患者の評価evaluation of the patient with night sweats or generalized hyperhidrosis [show details]
…reported experiencing night sweats within the last month; 23 percent had night sweats only and 18 percent experienced both day and night sweats . In a random sample of 174 hospital inpatients, 32 percent …
- 2. 退院および再入院hospital discharge and readmission [show details]
…facilities, patients must have a "qualifying event" that includes a three-night hospital stay and must require skilled nursing or rehabilitation for at least one hour daily five days a week. Medicare SNF benefits …
- 3. 腹腔鏡下子宮全摘術laparoscopic hysterectomy [show details]
…laparoscopic hysterectomy and be discharged home on the same day or stay in the hospital overnight, typically for one night. Observational studies have consistently found that same-day discharge is safe …
- 4. 高齢者の病院でのマネージメントhospital management of older adults [show details]
…medications is obtained at each transition within the hospital setting: on admission, during transfers between hospital wards, and at discharge. Hospital pharmacists can be helpful as a resource for medication …
- 5. 入院中の睡眠不足:要因と介入poor sleep in the hospital contributing factors and interventions [show details]
… monitors, oximeters, and ventilators. Noise levels in the hospital routinely exceed those recommended by the World Health Organization for a good night sleep . Studies using polysomnography in the intensive …
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- 英
- night hospital
- 同
- 夜間病院
- 関
- ナイトケア
- 英
- nighttime、nocturnal、nocturnally
- 関
- 夜行性