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- 1. ベーチェット症候群の治療treatment of behcet syndrome [show details]
…effective for prevention of recurrent oral ulcers, and is a reasonable alternative to colchicine as a glucocorticoid-sparing agent for patients with recurrent oral ulcers. Apremilast is typically up-titrated …
- 2. 口腔病変oral lesions [show details]
… centrally Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (also called canker sores) is the most common cause of mouth ulcers. Aphthous ulcerations may also be seen in patients with celiac disease and inflammatory bowel …
- 3. 再発性アフタ性口内炎recurrent aphthous stomatitis [show details]
…occurs approximately in one out of five individuals and is the most common cause of acute recurrent oral ulcers. Most individuals first develop RAS during adolescence, although it is not uncommonly seen in children …
- 4. 若齢小児におけるヘルペス性歯肉口内炎herpetic gingivostomatitis in young children [show details]
…intake was similar among children presenting to the emergency department with acute infectious oral ulcers and decreased oral intake one hour after receiving viscous lidocaine or placebo (8.5 versus 9.3…
- 5. ノーマ(壊疽性口内炎)noma cancrum oris [show details]
…cotton buds may substitute for chewing sticks. Saline solution is helpful for mouth rinsing. As oral ulcers are frequently preceded by antecedent infection, administration of routine immunizations is also…
Japanese Journal
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- 英
- anastomotic ulcer
- 同
- 吻合口潰瘍 stomal ulcer、術後空腸潰瘍 postoperative jejunal ulcer ulcus pepticum jejuni postoperativum、辺縁性潰瘍 marginal ulcer
- 関
- 再発潰瘍 recurrent ulcer
- 吻合部の肛門側にできる。
- 壁細胞領域の切除範囲が不十分である場合に生じやすい
- 英
- anastomosis
- 関
- 網目構造、吻合部
- 異なった管腔、臓器、あるいは神経が人為的・病的につながった状態。
- 英
- ulcer
- ラ
- ulcus
- 関
- びらん
- 粘膜の損傷が粘膜筋板に達し、その筋層を貫通した場合。