- 英
- pocket dosimeter
- 同
- ポケット・チェンバー pocket chamber
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Japanese Journal
- 山田 純也,河野 孝央,宇田 達彦 [他],下 道國
- 保健物理 : hoken buturi 45(1), 51-56, 2010-03-01
- The effect of electromagnetic field on electronic personal dosimeters in a nuclear fusion facility was examined in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) examination room instead of a nuclear fusion facil …
- NAID 10026477966
- X線診断領域におけるDirect Ion Storage線量計の性能評価
- 小島 康弘,佐藤 静,佐藤 咲耶 [他],千田 浩一
- 東北大学医学部保健学科紀要 17(1), 71-79, 2008-00-00
- Radiation protection for the physician is very important in interventional radiology (IVR), as some have been injured performing IVR. The radiation dose to the physician should be monitored in real-ti …
- NAID 110007025249
- 西村 裕子,千田 浩一,佐藤 友子 [他],遠藤 歩美,坂本 睦美,星 千春,及川 喜弘,長尾 眞人
- 東北大学医学部保健学科紀要 15(1), 29-34, 2006-00-00
- It is well known that the electromagnetic fields emitted by cellular telephones can affect medical electronic devices, such as pacemakers. Therefore, it is recommended that cellular telephones with lo …
- NAID 110007025201
Related Links
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Related Pictures

- 英
- pocket chamber
- 関
- ポケット線量計
- 英
- dose
- 関
- 投与量、服用量、用量、薬物用量
- 英
- dosimeter
- 関
- 硫化カドミウム線量計、放射線