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- ハイドロ
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- 1. 子宮内膜アブレーション:切除用内視鏡を用いない手技endometrial ablation non resectoscopic techniques [show details]
…(ThermaChoice) (no longer available in the United States) Cryotherapy (Her Option) Circulating hot water (Hydro ThermAblator) Microwave (Microwave Endometrial Ablation) (no longer available in the United States) …
- 2. 成人の大麻使用とその障害:発生機序と薬理学的特徴cannabis use and disorder in adults pathogenesis and pharmacology [show details]
…BC bud, blunt (cannabis within tobacco), boom, chronic, dope, gangster, ganja, grass, hash, herb, hydro, indo, joint (cannabis cigarette), kif, Mary Jane, mota, pot, reefer, roach, sinsemilla, skunk, smoke…
- 3. 子宮内膜アブレーションの概要an overview of endometrial ablation [show details]
…(NovaSure), hot liquid-filled balloon (ThermaChoice), cryotherapy (Her Option), circulating hot water (Hydro ThermAblator), microwave (Microwave Endometrial Ablation), and, in 2015, a combined thermal and bipolar …
- 4. 末梢神経ブロックの概要overview of peripheral nerve blocks [show details]
…movement only when the needle tip is seen. If the tip disappears from view, it may be located using hydro-localization (injecting small increments of saline or LA). Structures of interest can be imaged either…
- 5. 子宮内膜掻爬術dilation and curettage [show details]
…place will cause interference with the image. Injection of saline into the presumed external os for hydro-dissection to allow identification of the canal and create a patent opening. Making a small stab…
Japanese Journal
- 低分子ヒドロゲル化剤「ナノファイバージェル」 (特集 最新ユニークゲルの機能と設計)
- 宮地 伸英,岩間 武久,松本 圭吾 [他]
- ファインケミカル : 調査・資料・報道・抄録 41(9), 32-39, 2012-09
- NAID 40019410959
- 晩期循環不全の病態とその予防 (特集 新生児医療 : up to date)
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