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- contact thermograhy
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- 接触式サーモグラフィー
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- テレサーモグラフィー
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- 1. 乳癌のスクリーニング:有効性および害のエビデンスscreening for breast cancer evidence for effectiveness and harms [show details]
…necessarily efficacy . The specificity of thermography remains very low, even with modern equipment . No major organization making screening recommendations recommends thermography. Of those commenting on it, the …
- 2. 若年性限局性強皮症juvenile localized scleroderma [show details]
…infrared thermography, ultrasonography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), may be helpful in following the extent of disease in selected patients : Infrared thermography – Infrared thermography, which …
- 3. 熱傷の評価と分類assessment and classification of burn injury [show details]
… The depth of the thermal injury is related to contact temperature, duration of contact with the external heat source,… Thermography also provides an index of perfusion based on the temperature of the tissue. This…
- 4. 0℃以上の寒冷湿潤下で生じる寒冷障害(塹壕足)および温暖湿潤下で生じる組織損傷nonfreezing cold water trench foot and warm water immersion injuries [show details]
… or cold contact urticaria, is a physical urticaria induced by contact with cold Cold urticaria is characterized by hives or angioedema.… Infrared thermography is not indicated in the acutely injured. Infrared thermography was once used in the United Kingdom…
- 5. 陰圧創傷閉鎖法negative pressure wound therapy [show details]
… thermography and other studies have shown that due to the positive pressure applied to the wound surface,… to 5 cm with a significant amount of adhesive in contact with the patient skin.…
Japanese Journal
- コンタクトサーモグラフィを用いた乳癌術後の治療方針への応用
- 白井 秀明,臼田 典子,吉田 佳代,桜井 美紀,増岡 秀次,下川原 出,浅石 和昭
- Biomedical thermology : the journal of the Japanese Society of Thermorogy = 医学・生物学サーモロジー 22(2), 103-107, 2002-09-20
- NAID 50000709933
- コンタクトサーモグラフィによる乳癌の質的診断と超音波検査、マンモグラフィとの比較
- 古賀 稔啓,矢原 敏郎,白水 和雄
- Biomedical thermology : the journal of the Japanese Society of Thermorogy = 医学・生物学サーモロジー 22(2), 99-102, 2002-09-20
- NAID 50000709932
- 栗原 照昌,東 靖宏
- Biomedical thermology : the journal of the Japanese Society of Thermorogy = 医学・生物学サーモロジー 22(2), 78-86, 2002-09-20
- NAID 50000709929
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- 英
- contact thermography
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- コンタクトサーモグラフィー
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- 英
- thermo
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