- 英
- therefore、hence
- 関
- 従って、だから
- from this time; "a year hence it will be forgotten"
- from this place; "get thee hence!"
- (used to introduce a logical conclusion) from that fact or reason or as a result; "therefore X must be true"; "the eggs were fresh and hence satisfactory"; "we were young and thence optimistic"; "it is late and thus we must go"; "the witness is biased and so cannot be trusted" (同)hence, thence, thus, so
- 『それゆえに』,従って / 『今から』 / 《古》ここから,あちらへ
- 『それゆえ』,それで;その結果
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- 英
- because、since、therefore、thus、consequently、(conj)so
- 関
- 結果的、従って、理由、わけ、それ故、以来、そう、このように
- 関
- according to、accordingly、because、consequently、hence、since、so、thus