- Surgery is indicatedd, however, if there is clinical evidence of propagation of the dissection, compromise of major branches of the aorta, impending rupture, or continued pain. (PHD.355)(しかし、動脈乖離の伝播、主要な大動脈の分枝の脆弱、破裂が切迫している大動脈瘤、あるいは持続的痛みがある場合には手術が適応となる)
- 関
- (vi.)impend
- be imminent or about to happen; "Changes are impending"
- (特に,いやな事が)今にも越ころうとしている,差し迫った
- 〈物事が〉(…の上に)今にも越ころうとしている,切迫している《+『over』+『名』》
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English Journal
- Singer M.SourceProfessor of Intensive Care Medicine, University College London, London, UK.
- Current opinion in pulmonary medicine.Curr Opin Pulm Med.2013 May;19(3):305-9. doi: 10.1097/MCP.0b013e32835f1b49.
- PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review discusses the current developments in biomarkers for sepsis.RECENT FINDINGS: With quantum leaps in technology, an array of biomarkers will become available within the next decade as point-of-care tools that will likely revolutionize the management of sepsis. These mark
- PMID 23411577
- Acute Aortic Syndromes: A Second Look at Dual-Phase CT.
- Lovy AJ, Rosenblum JK, Levsky JM, Godelman A, Zalta B, Jain VR, Haramati LB.Source1 Department of Radiology, Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 111 East 210th St, Gold Zone, Bronx, NY 10467.
- AJR. American journal of roentgenology.AJR Am J Roentgenol.2013 Apr;200(4):805-11. doi: 10.2214/AJR.12.8797.
- OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this article is to assess the diagnostic performance of the unenhanced and contrast-enhanced phases separately in patients imaged with CT for suspected acute aortic syndromes. MATERIALS AND METHODS. All adults (n = 2868) presenting to our emergency department from January 1
- PMID 23521452
- Engagement in social activities and progression from mild to severe cognitive impairment: the MYHAT study.
- Hughes TF, Flatt JD, Fu B, Chang CC, Ganguli M.SourceDepartment of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
- International psychogeriatrics / IPA.Int Psychogeriatr.2013 Apr;25(4):587-95. doi: 10.1017/S1041610212002086. Epub 2012 Dec 21.
- ABSTRACT Background: It is of considerable public health importance to prevent or delay the progression of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to more severely impaired cognitive states. This study examines the risk of progression from mild to severe cognitive impairment in rel
- PMID 23257280
- Impending corneal perforation after collagen cross-linking for herpetic keratitis.
- Ferrari G, Iuliano L, Viganò M, Rama P.SourceFrom the G.B. Bietti Foundation-IRCCS (Ferrari), Rome, the Department of Ophthalmology (Iuliano), Vita-Salute University and the Cornea and Ocular Surface Unit (Viganò, Rama), San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy. Electronic address: ferrari.giulio@hsr.it.
- Journal of cataract and refractive surgery.J Cataract Refract Surg.2013 Apr;39(4):638-41. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2013.02.006.
- Collagen crosslinking (CXL) has been proposed as a treatment for infectious keratitis. Given the insurgence of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms and frequent toxicity of topical medications, CXL may be a potential treatment for corneal infections. However, corneal infection is itself a possible co
- PMID 23522585
Japanese Journal
- Recovery of indium from end-of-life liquid-crystal display panels using aminopolycarboxylate chelants with the aid of mechanochemical treatment
- Hasegawa Hiroshi,Rahman Ismail M. M.,Egawa Yuji,Sawai Hikaru,Begum Zinnat A.,Maki Teruya,Mizutani Satoshi
- Microchemical Journal 106, 289-294, 2013-01
- … The end-of-life LCD screens, termed as ITO-glass hereafter, are an emerging contributor to the global e-waste load and can be an impending secondary source of indium. …
- NAID 120004997000
- Recovery of indium from end-of-life liquid-crystal display panels using aminopolycarboxylate chelants with the aid of mechanochemical treatment
- Hasegawa Hiroshi,Rahman Ismail M. M.,Egawa Yuji,Sawai Hikaru,Begum Zinnat A.,Maki Teruya,Mizutani Satoshi
- Microchemical Journal 106, 289-294, 2013-01
- … The end-of-life LCD screens, termed as ITO-glass hereafter, are an emerging contributor to the global e-waste load and can be an impending secondary source of indium. …
- NAID 120004754710
- ICU・CCU : あんな症例,こんな症例(第7回)腹部大動脈瘤切迫破裂に対する血管内治療
- 竹ノ下 尚子,金城 忠志,田島 廣之 [他]
- ICUとCCU : 集中治療医学 36(10), 766-768, 2012-10
- NAID 40019525902
- 視覚障害者の就労支援の現状と職域拡大の課題 (特集 視覚障害者のリハビリテーション)
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- 関
- (adj.)impending