- (事件・危険などが)迫る、今まさに起ころうとしている。
- 関
- (adj.)impending
- be imminent or about to happen; "Changes are impending"
- 〈物事が〉(…の上に)今にも越ころうとしている,切迫している《+『over』+『名』》
- (特に,いやな事が)今にも越ころうとしている,差し迫った
English Journal
- Prevalence of diatom frustules in non-vegetarian foodstuffs and its implications in interpreting identification of diatom frustules in drowning cases.
- Yen LY, Jayaprakash PT.SourceForensic Division, Department of Chemistry, Malaysia, Jalan Sultan, 46661 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
- Forensic science international.Forensic Sci Int.2007 Jul 20;170(1):1-7. Epub 2006 Oct 4.
- Detection of diatom frustules in bone marrow (diatom test) is used for diagnosing ante-mortem drowning where the usual signs of drowning are not present in dead bodies recovered from water. However, controversies over the reliability of diatom test results are continuing. There have been indications
- PMID 17023133
- [Atherogenic properties of milk fat--facts or myths?].
- Cichosz G.SourceKatedra Mleczarstwa i Zarzadzania Jakościa Uniwersytet Warmńsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. grazyna.cichosz@uwm.edu.pl
- Przegla̧d lekarski.Przegl Lek.2007;64 Suppl 4:32-4.
- Since long time edible fats are classified into two groups of food products: atherogenic or antisclerotic ones. Animal fats are considered as atherogenic ones because of high content of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, and margarines and plant oils are, without reason, counted as food with ant
- PMID 18543424
- Effect of ketanserin and amphetamine on nigrostriatal neurotransmission and reactive oxygen species in Parkinsonian rats. In vivo microdialysis study.
- Nowak P, Szczerbak G, Biedka I, Drosik M, Kostrzewa RM, Brus R.SourceDepartment of Pharmacology, Medical University of Silesia, Zabrze, Poland. pnowak@slam.katowice.pl
- Journal of physiology and pharmacology : an official journal of the Polish Physiological Society.J Physiol Pharmacol.2006 Dec;57(4):583-97.
- 5-HT(2A/2C) receptors are one of the most important in controlling basal ganglia outputs. In rodent models of Parkinson's disease (PD) blockade of these receptors increases locomotion and enhances the actions of dopamine (DA) replacement therapy. Moreover, previously we established that 5-HT(2A/2C)
- PMID 17229983
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- impendとは。意味や和訳。[動](自)1 〈物が〉(…の上に)おおいかかる,垂れ下がる((over ...)).2 〈不快な事が〉差し迫る,切迫する,今にも起こる.[ラテン語impend#275;re (im-上に+pend#275;reかかる). PENDANT]... - goo英和 ...
- Definition of IMPEND intransitive verb 1 a: to hover threateningly : menace b: to be about to occur <the impending trial> 2 archaic: to hang suspended See impend defined for kids » Examples of IMPEND <for confirmed pessimists ...
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- Surgery is indicatedd, however, if there is clinical evidence of propagation of the dissection, compromise of major branches of the aorta, impending rupture, or continued pain. (PHD.355)(しかし、動脈乖離の伝播、主要な大動脈の分枝の脆弱、破裂が切迫している大動脈瘤、あるいは持続的痛みがある場合には手術が適応となる)
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- (vi.)impend