- disable by cutting the hock
- tarsal joint of the hind leg of hoofed mammals; corresponds to the human ankle (同)hock-joint
- having the capacity to absorb the energy of an impact; "the material absorbs shock and is used for shock-absorbent insoles"
- sports implement consisting of a stick used by hockey players to move the puck
- (馬・牛などの後脚の)ひざ,飛節・(特に豚の)足肉
- …‘を'質に入れる(pawn) / 質入れ
- =Rhine wine 1
- ほう(驚き・賞賛・冷笑などの発声);お‐い(呼びかけ・注意などの発声)
- 娼婦・売春婦:(whoreの発音をくずしたもの)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/04/02 16:32:24」(JST)
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Look up hock in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Hock may refer to:
- Hock (wine), a type of wine
- Hock (surname)
- Hock (anatomy), part of an animal's leg
- Ham hock, a meat joint from the lower leg of a pig
- To leave an item with a pawnbroker
- Hock tide, an English holiday consisting of Hock Monday and Hock Tuesday
- A type of wine bottle used primarily for German or Alsatian wine
English Journal
- Incidence estimation using a single cross-sectional age-specific prevalence survey with differential mortality.
- Turner EL, Sweeting MJ, Lindfield RJ, Deangelis D.Author information Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Duke University Medical Center, 2424 Erwin Road, Suite 1102 Hock Plaza, Box 2721, Durham, NC 27710, U.S.A.; Duke Global Health Institute, Duke University, Box 90519, Durham, NC 27708, U.S.A.AbstractHere, we present a method for incidence estimation of a curable, non-recurring disease when data from a single cross-sectional survey are used together with population-level mortality rates and an assumption of differential mortality of diseased versus non-diseased individuals. The motivating example is cataract, and the VISION2020 goal to eliminate avoidable blindness globally by 2020. Reliable estimates of current and future cataract disease burden are required to predict how many surgeries would need to be performed to meet the VISION2020 goals. However, incidence estimates, needed to derive future burden, are not as easily available, due to the cost of conducting cohort studies. Disease is defined at the person-level in accordance with the WHO person-level definition of blindness. An extension of the standard time homogeneous illness-death model to a four-state model is described, which allows the disease to be cured, whereby surgery is performed on at least one diseased eye. Incidence is estimated, and the four-state model is used to predict disease burden assuming different surgical strategies whilst accounting for the competing risk of death. The method is applied to data from approximately 10 000 people from a survey of visual impairment in Nigeria. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- Statistics in medicine.Stat Med.2014 Feb 10;33(3):422-35. doi: 10.1002/sim.5942. Epub 2013 Sep 6.
- Here, we present a method for incidence estimation of a curable, non-recurring disease when data from a single cross-sectional survey are used together with population-level mortality rates and an assumption of differential mortality of diseased versus non-diseased individuals. The motivating exampl
- PMID 24009063
- Grustam AS1, Severens JL2, van Nijnatten J3, Koymans R4, Vrijhoef HJ5.Author information 1Institute of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam Care Management Solutions, Philips Research.2Institute of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam.3Centre for Information Services, Philips Research.4Care Management Solutions, Philips Research.5Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore.AbstractObjectives: Evidence exists that telehealth interventions (e.g., telemonitoring, telediagnostics, telephone care) in disease management for chronic heart failure patients can improve medical outcomes, and we aim to give an overview of the cost-effectiveness of these interventions. Methods: Based on the literature search on "heart failure" in combination with "cost" and "telehealth" we selected 301 titles and abstracts. Titles and abstracts were screened for a set of inclusion criteria: telehealth intervention, heart failure as the main disease, economic analysis present and a primary study performed. In the end, thirty-two studies were included for full reading, data extraction, and critical appraisal of the economic evaluation. Results: Most studies did not present a comprehensive economic evaluation, consisting of the comparison of both costs and effects between telehealth intervention and a comparator. Data on telehealth investment costs were lacking in many studies. The few studies that assessed costs and consequences comprehensively showed that telehealth interventions are cost saving with slight improvement in effectiveness, or comparably effective with similar cost to usual care. However, the methodological quality of the studies was in general considered to be low. Conclusions: The cost-effectiveness of telehealth in chronic heart failure is hardly ascertained in peer reviewed literature, the quality of evidence is poor and there was a difficulty in capturing all of the consequences/effects of telehealth intervention. We believe that without full economic analyses the cost-effectiveness of telehealth interventions in chronic heart failure remains unknown.
- International journal of technology assessment in health care.Int J Technol Assess Health Care.2014 Feb 4:1-10. [Epub ahead of print]
- Objectives: Evidence exists that telehealth interventions (e.g., telemonitoring, telediagnostics, telephone care) in disease management for chronic heart failure patients can improve medical outcomes, and we aim to give an overview of the cost-effectiveness of these interventions. Methods: Based on
- PMID 24495581
- Associations between red meat intake and biomarkers of inflammation and glucose metabolism in women.
- Ley SH, Sun Q, Willett WC, Eliassen AH, Wu K, Pan A, Grodstein F, Hu FB.Author information Departments of Nutrition (SHL, QS, WCW, KW, AP, and FBH) and Epidemiology (WCW, FG, and FBH), Harvard School of Public Health, and the Channing Division of Network Medicine, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School (QS, WCW, AHE, FG, and FBH), Boston, MA; and the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health and Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore and National University Health System, Singapore (AP).AbstractBACKGROUND: Greater red meat intake is associated with an increased type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease risk. However, the relation of red meat intake to biomarkers of inflammation and glucose metabolism has not been investigated thoroughly.
- The American journal of clinical nutrition.Am J Clin Nutr.2014 Feb;99(2):352-60. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.113.075663. Epub 2013 Nov 27.
- BACKGROUND: Greater red meat intake is associated with an increased type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease risk. However, the relation of red meat intake to biomarkers of inflammation and glucose metabolism has not been investigated thoroughly.OBJECTIVE: We hypothesized that greater red meat int
- PMID 24284436
- Genetic analysis of kinematic traits at the trot in Lusitano horse subpopulations with different types of training.
- Solé M1, Santos R2, Molina A3, Galisteo A4, Valera M1.Author information 11 Dpto. Ciencias Agroforestales, Universidad de Sevilla, 41013 Sevilla, Spain.22 Dpto. Ciência e Tecnologia Animal, Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, 7350-903 Elvas, Portugal.33 Dpto. Genética, Universidad de Córdoba, 14071 Córdoba, Spain.44 Dpto. Anatomía y Anatomía Patológica Comparadas, Universidad de Córdoba 14071, Córdoba, Spain.AbstractThe possibility of using quantitative kinematic traits as indirect selection criteria for sport performance could be beneficial to perform an early genetic evaluation of the animals. The genetic parameters for objectively measured kinematic traits under field conditions have been estimated for the first time, in order to potentially use these traits as indicators of gait quality in future selection of the Lusitano breed. The repeatability within three different types of training (dressage, bullfighting and untrained) was also discussed. A total of 176 males (4 to 14 years old) were recorded at trot in hand using a 3D videographic system. The speed and 10 kinematic traits were studied (one temporal, two linear and seven angular variables). The genetic parameters of the kinematic variables were estimated using VCE software. The heritability estimates were moderate to high (0.18 to 0.53). The stride length and the forelimb angular variables presented the highest heritabilities (0.49 to 0.53), whereas the hindlimb angular variables revealed the lowest values (0.18 to 0.40). More than half of the genetic correlations were moderately to highly positive (mostly 0.20 to 0.70; up to 0.88 between hindlimb traits). The dressage and bullfighting groups presented the highest repeatabilities (over 0.6) in the majority of the traits, maybe because of the acquired gait regularity expected in animals subjected to specific training, and suggesting a greater influence of the individuals over the kinematic traits studied in these two subpopulations than in the untrained subpopulation. The longer swing phase duration and the larger range of motion of the elbow, hock and pelvis joints observed in the dressage group may indicate a better gait quality of this group, according to FEI (International Equestrian Federation) standards. The bullfighting and untrained groups were more similar to each other in terms of kinematic traits. Selection of young horses for characteristics such as stride length and the hindlimbs traits can apparently contribute to further genetic improvement of the performance of Lusitano breed.
- Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience.Animal.2014 Feb;8(2):192-9. doi: 10.1017/S1751731113002036. Epub 2013 Nov 12.
- The possibility of using quantitative kinematic traits as indirect selection criteria for sport performance could be beneficial to perform an early genetic evaluation of the animals. The genetic parameters for objectively measured kinematic traits under field conditions have been estimated for the f
- PMID 24230460
Japanese Journal
- A Triple-D Model of Primary Case Management System for Special Education
- Asian journal of management sciences & education 4(1), 12-22, 2015-01
- NAID 40020371786
- Initial Experience of Modified Four-Branched Graft Technique and Antegrade TEVAR in Acute Type A Aortic Dissection
- Initial Experience of Modified Four-Branched Graft Technique and Antegrade TEVAR in Acute Type A Aortic Dissection
- 海外研究施設紹介 ロアルド・ダール血栓症・止血センター : グローバルヘルスにおける総合的医療およびトランスレーショナル・リサーチ
- International review of thrombosis 9(3), 148-155,112-113, 2014-09
- NAID 40020218061
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- hockとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 飛節, 後脚くるぶし関節:豚などの後脚の球節の上の関節;そこの肉.2 鶏のひざ. [動](他)…の飛節の腱(けん)を切って後脚を不自由にする. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等から ...
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- heat shock、heat-shock、HS