- having protruding upper front teeth
- to strive with determination; "John is bucking for a promotion"
- mature male of various mammals (especially deer or antelope)
- resist; "buck the trend" (同)go against
- jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched; "the yung filly bucked" (同)jerk, hitch
- a means of enforcement; "the treaty had no teeth in it"
- one of a number of uniform projections on a gear
- something resembling the tooth of an animal
- toothlike structure in invertebrates found in the mouth or alimentary canal or on a shell
- hard bonelike structures in the jaws of vertebrates; used for biting and chewing or for attack and defense
- having teeth especially of a certain number or type; often used in combination; "saw-toothed"
- United States author whose novels drew on her experiences as a missionary in China (1892-1973) (同)Pearl Buck, Pearl Sydenstricker Buck
- (カモシカ・ウサギなどの)雄
- 〈馬・ロバが〉四つ足をそろえ背を丸くしてはねる / 《おもに米》(…に)がん固に抵抗する《+『at』(『against』)+『名』》 / 〈馬などが〉〈乗り手・荷物〉'を'はねて振り落とす《+『off』+『名』,+『名』+『off』》 / 《米話》…‘に'がん固に抵抗(反抗)する;…‘に'頭で突ッかかる / 〈C〉(乗っている人や荷物を振り落とすため,馬・ロバが)四つ足をそろえ背を丸めてはねるひと / 〈U〉鹿皮,バックスキン;〈C〉バックスキンで作った物(特に靴) シカ皮 / バックスキン(鹿または時には羊の黄色味を帯びたなめし皮) (buck skin は裏革ではありません:「back」からの連想で「裏」だと思いがちですが、「buck」なので発音も意味も「裏」とは無関係)《複数形で》シカ皮の服(特に半ずぼん)
- 《米俗》ドル / (ポーカーで)札の配り番のしるしとなる物
- 『歯』 / 『歯状の物』,(くし・のこぎり・歯車・フォークなど)歯の働きをする物 / …に歯を付ける;…‘を'歯状(ぎざぎざ)にする
- 歯のある / V字型の突起がある,ぎざぎざの
- 愉快な,喜んだ
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- Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Adj. 1. buck-toothed - having protruding upper front teeth toothed - having teeth especially of a certain number or type; often used in combination; "saw-toothed" Translations
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