- find repugnant; "I loathe that man"; "She abhors cats" (同)loathe, abominate, execrate
- offensive to the mind; "an abhorrent deed"; "the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee"; "morally repugnant customs"; "repulsive behavior"; "the most repulsive character in recent novels" (同)detestable, obscene, repugnant, repulsive
- hate coupled with disgust (同)abomination, detestation, execration, loathing, odium
- a signer of a 1679 address to Charles II in which those who petitioned for the reconvening of parliament were condemned and abhorred
- …'を'ひどくきらう,嫌悪する
- 嫌悪(けんお)すべき,憎むべき;(…にとって)嫌悪すべき《+『to』+『名』》
- 大きらいなもの;〈U〉(…を)大きらいなこと《+『of』+『名』(doing)》
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/04/29 23:24:29」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Abhor (or Amba Hor) and Mehraela were a brother and sister who were martyrs for the Christian faith. The book of their "acts" has been lost. Their feast day is celebrated on January 9 in the Coptic Church.
- Holweck, F. G., A Biographical Dictionary of the Saints. St. Louis, MO: B. Herder Book Co. 1924.
Japanese Journal
- Miura Folding: Applying Origami to Space Exploration
- 西山 豊
- 大阪経大論集 60(1), 17-24, 2009-05-15
- … The author also suggests in this context that nature may abhor the right angle, according to observation of the wing base of a dragonfly. …
- NAID 110009577535
- 杉浦 悦子
- 慶応義塾大学日吉紀要 英語英米文学 (43), 1-33, 2003
- … Though it is a home she had discarded many years before andwhich she has to abhor and reject, she, strangely enough, shares withRouenna a mixture of shame and love for that place. …
- NAID 120000800993
Related Links
- Learn More About ABHOR Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for "abhor" Spanish Central Translation: "abhor" in Spanish Browse Next Word in the Dictionary: abhorrence Previous Word in the Dictionary: abhominable All Words ...
- abhorとは。意味や和訳。[動](〜red, 〜・ring)(他)((形式))1 [III[名]doing](道義的理由で)…をひどくきらう, 忌みきらう, 毛嫌いする;…を憎悪する. 進行形不可Nature abhors vacuum.自然は真空を嫌う.2 …を(特に軽蔑して, びく ...
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- abhorrent- 'shuddering away from in horror' (see abhor)
- 大嫌いな、嫌でたまらない。(行為など)憎むべき、忌まわしい。相反する
- 関
- abhorrence
- abhorrent- 'shuddering away from in horror' (see abhor)
- 関
- (adj.)abhorrent