sexually transmitted infection



  1. (medicine) the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms and their multiplication which can lead to tissue damage and disease
  2. (phonetics) the alteration of a speech sound under the influence of a neighboring sound
  3. the pathological state resulting from the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms
  4. (international law) illegality that taints or contaminates a ship or cargo rendering it liable to seizure
  5. moral corruption or contamination; "ambitious men are led astray by an infection that is almost unavoidable"
  6. an incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted (同)contagion, transmission
  7. of or relating to or characterized by sexuality; "sexual orientation"; "sexual distinctions"
  8. having or involving sex; "sexual reproduction"; "sexual spores"
  9. with respect to sexuality; "sexually ambiguous"
  10. by sexual means; "reproduce sexually"


  1. 〈U〉(病気の)伝染;感染 / 〈C〉伝染病
  2. 性の,男女(雌雄)の / 有性生殖の

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English Journal

  • A Dual Point-of-Care Test Shows Good Performance in Simultaneously Detecting Nontreponemal and Treponemal Antibodies in Patients With Syphilis: A Multisite Evaluation Study in China.
  • Yin YP, Chen XS, Wei WH, Gong KL, Cao WL, Yong G, Feng L, Huang SJ, Wang DM, Han Y, Chen SC, Mabey D, Peeling RW.SourceNational Center for STD Control, China Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.Clin Infect Dis.2013 Mar;56(5):659-65. doi: 10.1093/cid/cis928. Epub 2012 Nov 2.
  • Background. Rapid point-of-care (POC) syphilis tests based on simultaneous detection of treponemal and nontreponemal antibodies (dual POC tests) offer the opportunity to increase coverage of syphilis screening and treatment. This study aimed to conduct a multisite performance evaluation of a dual
  • PMID 23132172
  • Emergency contraception: clinical outcomes.
  • Glasier A.SourceUniversity of Edinburgh and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Edinburgh, UK. Electronic address:
  • Contraception.Contraception.2013 Mar;87(3):309-13. doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2012.08.027. Epub 2012 Oct 4.
  • Emergency contraception (EC) is widely used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. This review considers the safety and efficacy of three commonly used methods - levonorgestrel (LNG-EC), ulipristal acetate (UPA) and the copper intrauterine device. All are extremely safe, and side effects are minimal. Concer
  • PMID 23040128
  • Contraception technology: past, present and future.
  • Sitruk-Ware R, Nath A, Mishell DR Jr.SourcePopulation Council, New York, NY 10065, USA. Electronic address:
  • Contraception.Contraception.2013 Mar;87(3):319-30. doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2012.08.002. Epub 2012 Sep 17.
  • Steady progress in contraception research has been achieved over the past 50 years. Hormonal and nonhormonal modern contraceptives have improved women's lives by reducing different health conditions that contributed to considerable morbidity. However, the contraceptives available today are not suita
  • PMID 22995540

Japanese Journal

  • 高知県における性感染症の発生動向について : 性器クラミジア感染症,性器ヘルペスウイルス感染症,尖圭コンジローマ,淋菌感染症および梅毒の発生動向 (第20巻記念号)
  • 福永 一郎,永森 静香,宮地 洋雄 [他]
  • 高知県医師会医学雑誌 = Journal of Kochi Medical Association 20(1), 176-184, 2015
  • NAID 40020428152
  • Analysis of HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in Japan from 1985–2011-Infection Detection Pattern for Male Homosexuals Different from That for Male Heterosexuals but Similar to That for Females
  • Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases 68(2), 98-105, 2015
  • … It revealed that heterosexual males are more prone to be detected as "AIDS cases," whereas male homosexuals and females are more prone to be detected as "HIV cases," irrespective of the gender, age, infection route, residential area, and nationality. … The probability of being detected as an "AIDS case" increased with advanced age, irrespective of the gender and infection route. …
  • NAID 130004757137
  • Chlamydia pneumoniae effector chlamydial outer protein N sequesters fructose bisphosphate aldolase A, providing a benefit to bacterial growth
  • Ishida Kasumi,Matsuo Junji,Yamamoto Yoshimasa,Yamaguchi Hiroyuki
  • BMC microbiology 14(1), 330, 2014-12-21
  • … Background: Pathogenic chlamydiae are obligate intracellular pathogens and have adapted successfully to human cells, causing sexually transmitted diseases or pneumonia. … Meanwhile, chlamydial infection tended to enhance expression of aldolase A. …
  • NAID 120005553674

拡張検索sexually transmitted infections



sexually transmitted infections」


sexually transmitted disease



  • n.
contagioninfectinfectious diseaseinfestationtransmissiontransmit




  • adj.
  • 性的な




  • 性的に