- informal terms for a mother (同)mama, mamma, mom, momma, mommy, mammy, mum, mummy
- weaponry used by military or naval force
- 《M-》《話》おかあちゃん(mamma)
- {C}《通例複数形で》軍事力,軍備 / 〈C〉《通例複数形で》(特に戦闘機・戦車・戦艦などに装備する兵器) / 〈C〉(一国の)軍隊;(特に)海軍 / 〈U〉(国が)軍備を整えること,戦争の準備
- 『気が狂った』,気違いの / ばかげた,無謀の,向こう見ずな / 《補語にのみ用いて》《話》(人・物事に)夢中になって,(…を)熱望して《+『about』(『for』)+『名』》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》《話》『怒った』,腹を立てた(angry) / 狂ったように興奮した,熱狂した / (イヌが)狂犬病にかかった
- Massachusetts / mental age
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/01/23 20:53:23」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 専門用語
- Master of Arts。学位の一つ。ほとんどの場合文学修士に相当するが、オクスフォード大学等では異なる(学位#イギリス式の学位制度)。
- 知能年齢・精神年齢 (Mental Age)。対義語は、生活年齢(Calender Age)。
- 移動平均 (moving average)
- 移動平均モデル (moving average model) - 自己回帰移動平均モデルの特殊な例
- 単位料金区域(message area) - NTTの電話料金の区域。市内通話料金(昼間3分8.5円)で通話できる(2009年4月現在)。
- マルチオーディオ(multi audio) - 映像編集後の音声編集作業を意味する和製英語
- アントラニル酸メチル (methyl anthranilate)
- 大都市圏 (metropolitan area)
- マイナーアクチノイド(minor actinide) - 核燃料に用いられるウラン・プルトニウム以外のアクチノイド元素
- ミレニアム生態系評価 (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment) - 生態系評価プロジェクト。MEAとも略する。
- 国名、地名
- モロッコ (al-Maghrib) のISO-3166-1国名コード
- マダガスカル (Madagasikara) のFIPS 10-4国名コード
- マサチューセッツ州 (Massachusetts) の郵便略号 - アメリカ合衆国の州
- マラニョン州 (Maranhão) のISO 3166-2:BR州名コード - ブラジルの州
- 企業
- マスターカード (MasterCard) のNYSEコード
- マレーヴ・ハンガリー航空 (Malév, Magyar Légiközlekedési Vállalat) のIATA航空会社コード
- マイクロエース (Micro Ace) - 鉄道模型メーカー。
- 松下電器産業(現パナソニック)の製品コード。パナソニックに社名変更後もau向けパナソニック端末等で用いられた。
- 製品
- DTS-HD MA (Master Audio) - 音声コーデック。
- Modern design for All 秋田道夫デザインの特徴的な造形を持つ家電およびそのブランド名称
- グループ
- Musical Academy - 日本の男性アイドルグループ
- 架空の事物
- モビルアーマー (Mobile Armor) - ガンダムシリーズに登場する非人間型機動兵器
- メタルアーマー (Metal armor) - アニメ『機甲戦記ドラグナー』に登場する人型兵器
- マロンクリーム (Marron Cream) - サンリオのキャラクター
- 百万年前 (Mega annum) - 主に地質学で使われる時間の単位
- マッハ (Mach) - 速度と音速の比を表す無次元量
- マリア (Maria) のスペイン語圏での略記法
- ミリアンペア (milliampere) - 電流の単位。
- ミリア (myria) - 104(1万倍)を意味するメートル法接頭辞。現在は廃止。
- .ma - モロッコの国別ドメイン
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up ma in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
MA or Ma may refer to:
- 1 In academia
- 2 In science and technology
- 3 In geography
- 4 In myth and culture
- 5 In language
- 6 Other uses
- 7 See also
In academia
- Master's degree, an advanced academic degree
- Master of Arts (MA), a degree at the English-speaking universities; someone admitted to this degree
- Master of Arts (Oxbridge and Dublin)
- Master of Arts (Scotland)
- Marin Academy (MA), a high school in San Rafael, California
- Minnehaha Academy (MA), a private high school in Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Museums Association (MA), UK
In science and technology
- .ma, the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Morocco
- Mach number (Ma), a measure of speed compared to the speed of sound
- Megaannum (Ma), one million (1,000,000) years
- Mechanical advantage (MA), mechanical multiplier of input force
- Mechanical alloying (MA), a technique to produce alloys.
- Medical assistant (MA), a type of health care worker
- Metabolic acidosis (MA) or (MAc), a medical condition in which the pH of body is decreased beyond the normal range.
- Metabolic alkalosis (MA) or (MAl), a medical condition in which the pH of body is elevated beyond the normal range.
- Methyl anthranilate (MA), a bird repellent
- Milliampere (mA) and Mega-ampere or Megampere (MA), multiples of Ampere, a unit of electrical current
- Moving average model (MA(q)), statistics
- MA (complexity), a set of decision problems that can be decided by an Arthur–Merlin protocol
- Martin's axiom, an axiom in mathematical logic
- a type of interface (Ma) in an IP Multimedia Subsystem
- Minor actinides (MA), the actinide elements in used nuclear fuel other than uranium and plutonium
In geography
- Ma River, river in Asia, running through Vietnam and Laos
- Madagascar (MA), FIPS 10-4 country code
- Maranhão (BR-MA), part of the ISO 3166-2:BR geocode for the Brazilian state
- Massachusetts (MA), United States postal abbreviation for the state
- Meshwesh (Ma), an ancient Libyan (i.e., Berber) tribe from Cyrenaica
- Metropolitan area (MA), a qualifying term, e.g. "Tokyo MA"
- Morocco (MA), ISO 3166 country code
- Ma, the mythohistoric entrepreneur for whom, tradition holds, Marang, Terengganu was denoted
In myth and culture
- Ma people, a Vietnamese ethnic group
- Ma (Lion King), a main character in the animated film Lion King 1½
- Ma (myth), in Sumerian mythology that from which the "primeval land" was formed
- Ma (goddess), a local name for Cybele and also an independent Greek goddess
- Ma, an Anatolian Goddess
In language
- Ma language, a language spoken in DRC Congo
- Ma (Javanese) (ꦩ), a letter in the Javanese script
Other uses
- Middle Ages, a period of European history
- Ma (surname), a common Chinese family name
- "MA15+", an Australian film and video game classification meaning "Not suitable for under 15s"
- Mature audience is a U.S. television rating system category abbreviated as TV-MA
- Memory Alpha (MA), a Star Trek-oriented wiki
- Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives (MA), a website devoted to heavy metal bands
- Maria (Mª or Ma.), according to Spanish naming customs
- Massive Attack, a British trip hop band
- Ma (negative space), a word of Japanese origin used in art and design
- Methamphetamine, a psychostimulant
- Mother, "Ma" used as a synonym
- Marijuana Anonymous (MA), a group recovery program aimed at marijuana addiction
- Martial arts (MA), only used in combining forms such as MMA or MCMAP
- Malév Hungarian Airlines (MA), IATA designator of the former airline
- MasterCard, NYSE stock symbol
- Marvellous attack, a term used in StepMania game, it means to get only Marvellous (the highest) rankings for each step
- Motorcycling Australia
- Ma (Rare Earth album), 1973
- Ma (Anjan Dutt album), 1998
- Miss America, a beauty pageant, also the title itself
- Orange Movement (Movimento Arancione), an Italian political party
- Master at Arms (abbreviated MA) an enlisted rating in the US Navy.
- MA (chemotherapy) is an acronym for Mitoxantrone + standard-dose Ara-C (cytarabine) chemotherapy regimen.
See also
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English Journal
- Continuous and pulsed ultrasound-assisted extractions of antioxidants from pomegranate peel.
- Pan Z, Qu W, Ma H, Atungulu GG, McHugh TH.SourceProcessed Foods Research Unit, USDA-ARS West Regional Research Center, 800 Buchanan Street, Albany, CA 94710, USA; Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA.
- Ultrasonics sonochemistry.Ultrason Sonochem.2012 Mar;19(2):365-72. Epub 2011 May 25.
- There is a great demand for developing efficient extraction methods in order to reduce extraction time and increase the yield and activity of functional antioxidants. The yields, activities, and extraction kinetics of antioxidants from the dry peel of pomegranate marc were studied using ultrasound-a
- PMID 21784689
- Complement involvement in neovascular ocular diseases.
- Yanai R, Thanos A, Connor KM.SourceDepartment of Ophthalmology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Angiogenesis Laboratory, Harvard Medical School, 02114, Boston, MA, USA, ryoji_yanai@meei.harvard.edu.
- Advances in experimental medicine and biology.Adv Exp Med Biol.2012;946:161-83.
- Pathological neovascularization (NV) is a hallmark of late stage neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy (DR), and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). There is accumulating evidence that alterations in inflammatory and immune system pathways that arise from genetic dif
- PMID 21948368
Japanese Journal
- 公園の高齢者向け健康遊器具の活用方策について : 日本の在宅高齢者の健康保持に向けて その2中国における設置・活用事例(青海省および瀋陽市
- Effect of Moisture on the Frequency-Dependent Current of an AlGaN/GaN High-Electron-Mobility Transistor
- Kim Jeong Jin,Yang Gye Mo,Shim Kyu-Hwan,Yang Jeon Wook
- Jpn J Appl Phys 50(9), 096501-096501-4, 2011-09-25
- … When the gate voltage was swept from $-5$ to 0 V at a drain voltage of 7 V, the current decreased with the sweep frequency from 38 mA at 0.1 Hz to 15 mA at 100 kHz. … However, the decrease was mitigated to 29 mA by moisturizing the ambient, and a marked current decrease in a pulsed operation was alleviated by moisture from 7.4 to 33 mA at 100 kHz with a 10% duty cycle. …
- NAID 150000057919
Related Links
- MA. 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』. 移動: 案内, 検索. MA. 目次. 1 MA; 2 Ma; 3 mA; 4 ma. [編集] MA. 専門用語. Master of Arts。学位の一つ。ほとんど の場合文学修士に相当するが、オクスフォード大学等では異なる(学位#イギリス式の ...
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