- 関
- ever、heretofore、so far、to date、until now
- at any time; "did you ever smoke?"; "the best con man of all time" (同)of all time
- (intensifier for adjectives) very; "she was ever so friendly" (同)ever so
- 今まで,これまで(until now)
- 《疑問文・否定文,また比較級・最上級の文で》『かつて』,今まで / 《条件節,または未来時制で》いつか,いずれ / 《疑問詞を強調して》《話》いったい[ぜんたい],どれほど,そもそも / 《肯定文に用いて》いつも,常に,絶えず
- 今まで,これまで,以前は
- こちらへ(here)
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English Journal
- Rapid assessment procedures to detect hidden endemic foci in areas not subjected to mass drug administration in Sri Lanka.
- Yahathugoda TC, Weerasooriya MV, Sunahara T, Kimura E, Samarawickrema WA, Itoh M.SourceFilariasis Research Training and Service Unit, Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna, P.O. Box 70, Galle, Sri Lanka. Electronic address: tcyahath@yahoo.co.uk.
- Parasitology international.Parasitol Int.2014 Feb;63(1):87-93. doi: 10.1016/j.parint.2013.09.008. Epub 2013 Sep 20.
- For the declaration of elimination of lymphatic filariasis, reliable epidemiological data in all parts of a country are required. In Sri Lanka, due to social disturbance, there are 3 provinces whose endemicity has been declared unknown. Further, a recent report revealed an endemic pocket, which is o
- PMID 24060539
- Eco-friendly ionic liquid based ultrasonic assisted selective extraction coupled with a simple liquid chromatography for the reliable determination of acrylamide in food samples.
- Albishri HM, El-Hady DA.SourceChemistry Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia.
- Talanta.Talanta.2014 Jan 15;118:129-36. doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2013.10.015. Epub 2013 Oct 16.
- Acrylamide in food has drawn worldwide attention since 2002 due to its neurotoxic and carcinogenic effects. These influences brought out the dual polar and non-polar characters of acrylamide as they enabled it to dissolve in aqueous blood medium or penetrate the non-polar plasma membrane. In the cur
- PMID 24274280
- Experimental evidence for 'carbon bonding' in the solid state from charge density analysis.
- Thomas SP, Pavan MS, Guru Row TN.SourceSolid state and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India. ssctng@sscu.iisc.ernet.in.
- Chemical communications (Cambridge, England).Chem Commun (Camb).2014 Jan 4;50(1):49-51. doi: 10.1039/c3cc47226d. Epub 2013 Nov 5.
- The validity of the newly proposed 'carbon bonding', an interaction where a carbon atom acts as an electrophilic site towards a variety of nucleophiles, has been investigated in the solid state. X-ray charge density analysis provides experimental evidence for this hitherto unexplored interaction and
- PMID 24189944
Japanese Journal
- A Hitherto Unknown Version of the San fa du lun 三法度論 in Old Japanese Manuscript Collections : Potential and Problems
- Hayashidera Shoshun
- Journal of the Graduate School of Letters 10, 1-11, 2015-03
- … This hitherto unknown text diverges from the known editions, most notably in that it has an independent text titled 'San fa du jing ben' 三法度經本 by Vasubhadra in its opening. …
- NAID 120005572433
- The Need for Diverse Picture Books in Japan
- KAMATA Suzanne
- 鳴門教育大学小学校英語教育センター紀要 5, 21-30, 2015-03
- … Also, people are becoming aware of the importance of including those who have hitherto hovered on the margins of society. …
- NAID 110009895586
- Application of a single-colony coculture technique to the isolation of hitherto unculturable gut bacteria
- Tanaka Yoshiki,Benno Yoshimi
- Microbiology and immunology 59(2), 63-70, 2015-02
- NAID 40020388166
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- hithertoとは。意味や和訳。[副]((形式))今まで, これまでproblems hitherto neglectedこれまで無視されてきた問題. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービスです。
- hitherto / ˈhɪð ərˌtu / Show Spelled [hi th-er-too] Show IPA adverb 1. up to this time; until now: a fact hitherto unknown. 2. to here. Origin: 1175–1225; Middle English hiderto. See hither, to Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the ...
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- 関
- always、constantly、heretofore、hitherto、routinely、so far、to date、until now
- 英
- to date、so far、until now、hitherto、heretofore、ever
- 関
- 従来、常に、現在まで、今日まで
- 関
- ever, hitherto, so far, to date, until now
- 関
- ever、heretofore、hitherto、so far、until now
- 関
- conventional、ever、heretofore、hitherto、to date、until now