- 関
- complement-fixing
- make complete or perfect; supply what is wanting or form the complement to; "I need some pepper to complement the sweet touch in the soup"
- a complete number or quantity; "a full complement"
- one of a series of enzymes in the blood serum that are part of the immune response
- something added to complete or embellish or make perfect; "a fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner"; "wild rice was served as an accompaniment to the main dish" (同)accompaniment
- number needed to make up a whole force; "a full complement of workers" (同)full complement
- a word or phrase used to complete a grammatical construction
- either of two parts that mutually complete each other
- executed with proper legal authority; "a binding contract"
- the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book; "the book had a leather binding" (同)book binding, cover, back
- strip sewn over or along an edge for reinforcement or decoration
- the capacity to attract and hold something
- (あるものを完全にするため)(…を)補う物(事)《+『of』+『名』》 / 補語(文法で文の成分の一つ) / (必要な)全数,全量;(船の)定員 / …を補足する,補う
- 義務的な,拘束力ある / 〈U〉しばること;〈C〉しばる物 / 〈C〉製本,装丁 / 〈U〉縁(‘ふち')取り材料
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- 1. 補体系の概要および臨床的評価 overview and clinical assessment of the complement system
- 2. 補体系の制御因子および受容体 regulators and receptors of the complement system
- 3. 補体系の遺伝性疾患 inherited disorders of the complement system
- 4. 補体経路 complement pathways
- 5. 補体系の後天性疾患 acquired disorders of the complement system
English Journal
- Scavenger receptor CL-P1 mainly utilizes a collagen-like domain to uptake microbes and modified LDL.
- Mori K1, Ohtani K1, Jang S1, Kim Y2, Hwang I1, Roy N1, Matsuda Y1, Suzuki Y3, Wakamiya N4.
- Biochimica et biophysica acta.Biochim Biophys Acta.2014 Dec;1840(12):3345-56. doi: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2014.08.015. Epub 2014 Sep 6.
- BACKGROUND: Collectins are considered to play a role in host defense via complement activation and opsonization, and are composed of a collagen-like domain and a carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD). Collectin placenta 1 (CL-P1) showed scavenger receptor activity as functions in vitro, and has thre
- PMID 25199873
- Structural dynamics of the cell wall precursor lipid II in the presence and absence of the lantibiotic nisin.
- Koch DC1, Schmidt TH1, Sahl HG2, Kubitscheck U3, Kandt C4.
- Biochimica et biophysica acta.Biochim Biophys Acta.2014 Dec;1838(12):3061-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2014.07.024. Epub 2014 Aug 12.
- Representing a physiological "Achilles' heel", the cell wall precursor lipid II (LII) is a prime target for various classes of antibiotics. Over the years LII-binding agents have been recognized as promising candidates and templates in the search for new antibacterial compounds to complement or repl
- PMID 25128154
- Host cell protein testing by ELISAs and the use of orthogonal methods.
- Zhu-Shimoni J1, Yu C, Nishihara J, Wong RM, Gunawan F, Lin M, Krawitz D, Liu P, Sandoval W, Vanderlaan M.
- Biotechnology and bioengineering.Biotechnol Bioeng.2014 Dec;111(12):2367-79. doi: 10.1002/bit.25327. Epub 2014 Sep 10.
- Host cell proteins (HCPs) are among the process-related impurities monitored during recombinant protein pharmaceutical process development. The challenges of HCP detection include (1) low levels of residual HCPs present in large excess of product protein, (2) the assay must measure a large number of
- PMID 24995961
Japanese Journal
- Strigolactone perception and deactivation by a hydrolase receptor DWARF14
- Seto Yoshiya,Yasui Rei,Kameoka Hiromu,Tamiru Muluneh,Cao Mengmeng,Terauchi Ryohei,Sakurada Akane,Hirano Rena,Kisugi Takaya,Hanada Atsushi,Umehara Mikihisa,Seo Eunjoo,Akiyama Kohki,Burke Jason,Takeda-Kamiya Noriko,Li Weiqiang,Hirano Yoshinori,Hakoshima Toshio,Mashiguchi Kiyoshi,Noel Joseph P.,Kyozuka Junko,Yamaguchi Shinjiro
- Nature Communications (10), 2019-01-14
- 植物の枝分かれ制御ホルモン「ストリゴラクトン」の受容メカニズムを解明 --受容体タンパクがストリゴラクトンの受容と不活性化を担うことを発見--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2019-01-18.
- NAID 120006550404
- 中島 文明
- 日本組織適合性学会誌 26(2), 95-104, 2019
- <p>近年のHLA抗体検査は蛍光ビーズ法が主流となり,多くの移植・輸血医療関連施設で採用されている。蛍光ビーズ法を用いたHLA抗体の測定は,抗ヒトIgGの補正蛍光値(nMFI)を指標に判定評価されるため,利便性の高さから臨床側に受け入れられてきた。しかしながら,蛍光ビーズ試薬の特性の理解や臨床評価の検証が進み,この手法が患者の病態を適確に反映しているか疑問視する報告も増えてきた。HLA …
- NAID 130007691596
- On Indeterminate Pronominal Binding in Double Complement Unaccusatives in (Tokyo) Japanese (関西英文学研究 第11号)
- 英文学研究. 支部統合号 = Studies in English literature. 日本英文学会 編 10, 219-226, 2018-01
- NAID 40021450076
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- 英
- complement binding、complement-fixing
- 関
- 補体結合反応
- 関
- complement binding
- 関
- affinity、associate、bind、bond、bonding、combine、conjoin、conjugate、conjugation、conjunction、connect、connection、connective、connectivity、couple、dock、engage、engagement、join、ligate、linkage、symphysial、symphysic、union
- 補って完全にする物、補完物。(免疫)補体
- (必要な)全数、善良