ambiguous genitalia


  1. having no intrinsic or objective meaning; not organized in conventional patterns; "an ambiguous situation with no frame of reference"; "ambiguous inkblots"
  2. having more than one possible meaning; "ambiguous words"; "frustrated by ambiguous instructions, the parents were unable to assemble the toy"
  3. of or relating to the external sex organs; "genital herpes"; "venereal disease" (同)venereal
  4. external sex organ (同)genital_organ, genitals, private_parts, privates, crotch


  1. (意味が)いろいろな意味にとれる,多義の / (正体などが)はっきりしない;(輪郭などが)ぼんやりとした,おぼろげな
  2. 生殖の,生殖器の
  3. =genitals

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English Journal

  • Increased frequency of delayed type hypersensitivity to metals in patients with connective tissue disease.
  • Stejskal V1, Reynolds T2, Bjørklund G3.
  • Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology : organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS).J Trace Elem Med Biol.2015 Jul;31:230-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2015.01.001. Epub 2015 Jan 14.
  • BACKGROUND: Connective tissue disease (CTD) is a group of inflammatory disorders of unknown aetiology. Patients with CTD often report hypersensitivity to nickel. We examined the frequency of delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) (Type IV allergy) to metals in patients with CTD.METHODS: Thirty-eight pa
  • PMID 25636536
  • [Considerations from a Children's Hospital Bioethics Committee about diagnosis and treatment of the disorders of sex development].
  • Del Valle M1, Díaz Zorita MI1, Stepansky N1, García Barthe M1, Rodríguez MC1, Sánchez Mdel P1, Garra MM1, Cúneo MM1, Coglianese C1, Firenze Aldeghi L1, Jaureguizar Mde L1, Muraciole B1, Selinger C1, Chamorro G1.
  • Archivos argentinos de pediatría.Arch Argent Pediatr.2015 Jun 1;113(3):260-4. doi: 10.1590/S0325-00752015000300012.
  • Through history, diagnosis and management of sex development disorders has been very difficult due to the significant impact on affected children, their families and care takers, representing a great challenge to healthcare professionals. Nowadays, there is significant debate regarding these childre
  • PMID 25996326
  • Screening for mutations in 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and androgen receptor in women presenting with partially virilised 46,XY disorders of sex development.
  • Phelan N1, Williams EL2, Cardamone S1, Lee M1, Creighton SM1, Rumsby G1, Conway GS3.
  • European journal of endocrinology / European Federation of Endocrine Societies.Eur J Endocrinol.2015 Jun;172(6):745-51. doi: 10.1530/EJE-14-0994. Epub 2015 Mar 4.
  • CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The precise diagnosis of partially virilised women with 46,XY disorders of sex development (DSD) is often obscure. In practice, this group often comes under the poorly defined, clinically based label of partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS). In a previous study, we fo
  • PMID 25740850

Japanese Journal

  • 臨床研究・症例報告 レベチラセタムが著効したと考えられる外性器異常を伴うX連鎖性滑脳症の1例
  • 斉藤 真希,菊池 健二郎,浜野 晋一郎 [他]
  • 小児科臨床 66(6), 1131-1135, 2013-06
  • NAID 40019648416
  • 精巣・陰囊の異常 (特集 症状・症候から診断を導くコツ)

Related Links

... ambiguous genitalia can develop. The genitalia makes it difficult to easily identify the infant as male or female. The extent of the ambiguity varies. In very rare instances, the physical appearance may be fully developed as the . ...
Some of the possible problems faced by a person born with ambiguous genitalia may include: Infertility Problems with sexual functioning Feelings of insecurity and uncertainty about their gender identity, such as feeling like the ...

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from Latin ambiguus doubtful' (from ambigere 'waver, go around', from ambi- 'both ways' + agere 'to drive')
  • adj.
  • 2つ以上の意味にとれる。多義的な。あいまいな
A neonate with ambiguous genitalia and microcephaly is suspected of having a genetic disease characterized by failure to matabolize 7-dehydrocholesterol to cholesterol.
  • 不確かな、不明瞭な、理解しがたい
  • (言語)あいま、多義的な
  • 対立する、矛盾する




  • adj.
  • 生殖の、性器の、生殖器の、陰部の


  • genital herpes 性器ヘルペス
accessory sex organgenerativegenital organgenital tractgenitaliagenitaliumreproductionreproductivereproductive organsexual organ