- 日
- 関
- spherical Gram-positive bacteria occurring in pairs or chains; cause e.g. scarlet fever and tonsillitis (同)streptococci, strep
- 連鎖球菌
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/06/11 00:28:04」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Streptococcus mitis |
Scientific classification |
Kingdom: |
Bacteria |
Phylum: |
Firmicutes |
Class: |
Bacilli |
Order: |
Lactobacillales |
Family: |
Streptococcaceae |
Genus: |
Streptococcus |
Species: |
mitis |
Streptococcus mitis, previously known as Streptococcus mitior, is a mesophilic alpha-hemolytic species of Streptococcus that inhabits the human mouth. It is most commonly found in the throat, nasopharynx, and mouth. It is a Gram-positive coccus, facultative anaerobe and catalase negative. It can cause endocarditis.[1] It has been widely reported that this organism survived for over two years on the Surveyor 3 probe on the moon; but some NASA scientists suggest this may be a result of contamination during or after return of Surveyor parts to Earth, as the person assembling the camera may have sneezed.[2]
See also
- Reports of Streptococcus mitis on the moon
- ^ Lamas, C. C.; Eykyn, S. J. (2003). "Blood culture negative endocarditis: Analysis of 63 cases presenting over 25 years". Heart (British Cardiac Society) 89 (3): 258–262. doi:10.1136/heart.89.3.258. PMC 1767579. PMID 12591823. .
- ^ http://lsda.jsc.nasa.gov/scripts/experiment/exper.cfm?exp_index=1651. NASA
External links
- S. mitis subdural empyema from MedPix
- Firmicutes (low-G+C) Infectious diseases
- Bacterial diseases: G+
- primarily A00–A79, 001–041, 080–109
Bacilli |
(Cat-) |
Streptococcus |
α |
optochin susceptible: |
optochin resistant: |
- S. viridans: S. mitis
- S. mutans
- S. oralis
- S. sanguinis
- S. sobrinus
- milleri group
β |
A: |
- bacitracin susceptible: S. pyogenes
- Group A streptococcal infection
- Streptococcal pharyngitis
- Scarlet fever
- Erysipelas
- Rheumatic fever
B: |
- bacitracin resistant, CAMP test+: S. agalactiae
- Group B streptococcal infection
ungrouped: |
- Streptococcus iniae
- Cutaneous Streptococcus iniae infection
γ |
- D
- BEA+: Streptococcus bovis
Enterococcus |
- BEA+: Enterococcus faecalis
- Enterococcus faecium
(Cat+) |
Staphylococcus |
Cg+: |
- S. aureus
- Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
- Toxic shock syndrome
Cg-: |
- novobiocin susceptible
- novobiocin resistant
Bacillus |
- Bacillus anthracis
- Bacillus cereus
Listeria |
Clostridia |
Clostridium (spore-forming) |
motile: |
- Clostridium difficile
- Clostridium botulinum
- Clostridium tetani
nonmotile: |
- Clostridium perfringens
- Gas gangrene
- Clostridial necrotizing enteritis
Peptostreptococcus (non-spore forming) |
- Peptostreptococcus magnus
Mollicutes |
Mycoplasmataceae |
- Ureaplasma urealyticum
- Mycoplasma genitalium
- Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Anaeroplasmatales |
- Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
Index of bacterial disease
Description |
Disease |
- Gram-positive firmicutes
- Gram-positive actinobacteria
- Gram-negative proteobacteria
- Gram-negative non-proteobacteria
- Cholera
- Tuberculosis
Treatment |
- Antibiotics
- cell wall
- nucleic acid
- mycobacteria
- protein synthesis
- other
- Antibodies
- Vaccines
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Identification of a pheA Gene Associated with Streptococcus mitis by Using Suppression Subtractive Hybridization.
- Park HK, Dang HT, Myung SC, Kim W.SourceAddress correspondence to Wonyong Kim, kimwy@cau.ac.kr.
- Applied and environmental microbiology.Appl Environ Microbiol.2012 Apr;78(8):3004-9. Epub 2012 Feb 3.
- We performed suppression subtractive hybridization to identify genomic differences between Streptococcus mitis and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Based on the pheA gene, a primer set specific to S. mitis detection was found in 18 out of 103 S. mitis-specific clones. Our findings would be useful for discr
- PMID 22307284
- Variations of oral microbiota are associated with pancreatic diseases including pancreatic cancer.
- Farrell JJ, Zhang L, Zhou H, Chia D, Elashoff D, Akin D, Paster BJ, Joshipura K, Wong DT.SourceDivision of Digestive Diseases, Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. jfarrell@mednet.ucla.edu
- Gut.Gut.2012 Apr;61(4):582-8. Epub 2011 Oct 12.
- OBJECTIVE: The associations between oral diseases and increased risk of pancreatic cancer have been reported in several prospective cohort studies. In this study, we measured variations of salivary microbiota and evaluated their potential associations with pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis.
- PMID 21994333
Japanese Journal
- 歯性感染症由来菌のバイオフィルム形成と各種抗菌薬および抗真菌薬のバイオフィルム形成抑制作用について
- 関谷 亮,唐木田 一成,新井 俊弘,佐藤 佑介,坂本 由紀,金井 直樹,丸山 亮,金子 明寛
- 歯科薬物療法 29(2), 69-76, 2010-08-01
- … 口腔感染症患者より分離した各種細菌およびCandida属菌株のbiofilm形成能をクリスタルバイオレット染色法で評価した結果,Prevotella intermedia,Porphyromonas gingivalis,Actinomyces odontolyticus,Streptococcus mitis,Candida albicansおよびCandida glabrataにおいてbiofilm形成能の高い菌株が見出された.これらの菌株を対象に各種抗菌薬または抗真菌薬のsub-MICにおけるbiofilm形成抑制作用を検討した.P. …
- NAID 10026624950
- Identification of horizontal gene transfer and recombination of PsaA gene in streptococcus mitis group
- Zhang Qiao,Ma Qianli,Su Dan [他]
- Microbiology and immunology 54(6), 313-319, 2010-06
- NAID 40017136032
Related Links
- Streptococcus salivarius:舌表面の最優勢菌種; Streptococcus mitis:頬粘膜および 歯牙表面; Streptococcus sanguinis:歯牙表面に生息する口腔レンサ球菌で齲蝕病原 性はないとされている。 Streptococcus mitior:口腔レンサ球菌で齲蝕病原性はないと ...
- 29 Apr 2011 ... Streptococcus mitis are commensal bacteria that colonize hard surfaces in the oral cavity such as dental hard tissues as well as mucous membranes and are part of the oral flora. They are usually arranged in short chains in ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- caries, dental caries, dental decay
- 関
- 齲歯
- 英
- viridans streptococci, viridans group streptococci
- ラ
- Streptococcus viridans
- 同
- 緑色レンサ球菌、緑色レンサ球菌群、緑色連鎖球菌群
- 関
- 細菌、連鎖球菌属、viridans-type streptococcal endocarditis、α-hemolytic streptococci、溶血性レンサ球菌
- グラム陽性球菌
- 連鎖球菌属
- 口腔(齲歯の起因菌にもなる)、上気道常在菌
- α溶血性
- 感染性心内膜炎の起炎菌の一部を占める。(亜急性心内膜炎の30-40%が本群による(SMB.248))
- ランスフィールドの群抗原を持たないものが多い。
- 日
- ストレプトコッカス・オラリス
- 関
- 連鎖球菌属
Streptococcus mitis group ミティスレンサ球菌群
- http://www.jarmam.gr.jp/situmon3/streptoco-oralis.html
- http://www.nobby-wildfire.com/f_report/20121017.ppt
- 関
- Streptococcus mitis
- 英
- (n