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- 1. 静脈血栓症の原因の概要 overview of the causes of venous thrombosis?detectedLanguage=en&source=search_result&translation=thromboemboli&search=thromboemboli&selectedTitle=1%7E39&provider=medicamap
- 2. 内科患者における静脈血栓塞栓症の予防 prevention of venous thromboembolic disease in medical patients?detectedLanguage=en&source=search_result&translation=thromboemboli&search=thromboemboli&selectedTitle=2%7E39&provider=medicamap
- 3. アテローム性プラークに起因する塞栓症:アテローム塞栓症(コレステロール結晶塞栓症
) embolism from atherosclerotic plaque atheroembolism cholesterol crystal embolism?detectedLanguage=en&source=search_result&translation=thromboemboli&search=thromboemboli&selectedTitle=3%7E39&provider=medicamap
- 4. 下肢の急性動脈閉塞(急性下肢虚血) acute arterial occlusion of the lower extremities acute limb ischemia?detectedLanguage=en&source=search_result&translation=thromboemboli&search=thromboemboli&selectedTitle=4%7E39&provider=medicamap
- 5. プライマリケア医のための不整脈のマネージメント arrhythmia management for the primary care clinician?detectedLanguage=en&source=search_result&translation=thromboemboli&search=thromboemboli&selectedTitle=5%7E39&provider=medicamap
English Journal
- In vivo evaluation of a new surfactant polymer coating mimicking the glycocalyx of endothelial cells.
- Shiose A, Takaseya T, Kim HI, Kobayashi M, Horai T, Rao S, Arakawa Y, Fujiki M, McCarthy MA, Liu Y, Lewandowski JJ, Davis A, Fukamachi K.SourceFrom the *Department of Biomedical Engineering, Lerner Research Institute, the Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio; †Greatbatch Medical, Cleveland, Ohio; and ‡Department of Pathology, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- ASAIO journal (American Society for Artificial Internal Organs : 1992).ASAIO J.2011 Sep-Oct;57(5):395-8.
- The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that a proprietary surfactant polymer (SP) coating does not adversely affect the hemodynamic performance of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) or gas exchange in oxygenators. The new coating was applied to a CPB circuit including cannulae, reservoir, oxygenator
- PMID 21869616
- Dual-energy CT revisited with multidetector CT: review of principles and clinical applications.
- Karcaalt?ncaba M, Akta? A.SourceFrom the Department of Radiology, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey.
- Diagnostic and interventional radiology (Ankara, Turkey).Diagn Interv Radiol.2011 Sep;17(3):181-94. Epub 2010 Nov 14.
- Although dual-energy CT (DECT) was first conceived in the 1970s, it was not widely used for CT indications. Recently, the simultaneous acquisition of volumetric dual-energy data has been introduced using multidetector CT (MDCT) with two X-ray tubes and rapid kVp switching (gemstone spectral imaging)
- PMID 20945292
Japanese Journal
- 経過観察中に右心房内腫瘍栓を形成し肺血栓塞栓症を発症した肝細胞癌の1切除例
- 京兼 隆典,弥政 晋輔,澤崎 直規,東島 由一郎,後藤 秀成,渡邉 博行,高木 健裕,松田 眞佐男
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 43(4), 398-404, 2010-04-01
- 症例は64歳の女性で,HBs抗原陽性のため経過観察中,2006年9月,肝S7に径15mmの腫瘤が指摘されたが,患者が精査治療を拒否したため経過観察となっていた.2007年4月突然の呼吸困難で発症し,当院救急外来に搬送された.心USで右心系の拡大と右心房に腫瘤が指摘され,縦隔造影CTで右肺動脈に肺塞栓が認められた.血栓溶解療法後腹部精査を行い,肝S7の肝細胞癌が右肝静脈から右心房へ腫瘍栓を形成し,そ …
- NAID 110007593900
- Electrocardiography Characteristics of Isolated Non-Compaction of Ventricular Myocardium in Japanese Adult Patients
- Shoji Masaaki,Yamashita Takeshi,Uejima Tokuhisa,Asada Kazuo,Semba Hiroaki,Otsuka Takayuki,Sagara Koichi,Sawada Hitoshi,Isobe Mitsuaki,Aizawa Tadanori
- Circulation Journal 74(7), 1431-1435, 2010
- … Congestive heart failure, critical arrhythmias, and systemic thromboemboli are known as major manifestations during childhood. …
- NAID 130000256010
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- 30 Oct 2003 ... Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions.
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- thrombo-embolic