- a plain plinth that supports a wall
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/01/20 20:18:33」(JST)
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Socle may refer to:
- Socle (mathematics), an algebraic object generated by minimal subobjects or by an eigenspace of an automorphism
- Socle (architecture), a plinth that supports a pedestal, statue, or column
- Socle Technology Corporation, a supplier of systems on a chip
English Journal
- Flickering in Information Spreading Precedes Critical Transitions in Financial Markets.
- Gatfaoui H, de Peretti P.
- Scientific reports. 2019 Apr;9(1)5671.
- As many complex dynamical systems, financial markets exhibit sudden changes or tipping points that can turn into systemic risk. This paper aims at building and validating a new class of early warning signals of critical transitions. We base our analysis on information spreading patterns in dynamic t
- PMID 30952925
- Clinical and cost effectiveness of enhanced oral healthcare in stroke care settings (SOCLE II): a pilot, stepped wedge, cluster randomized, controlled trial protocol.
- Brady MC, Stott D, Weir CJ, Chalmers C, Sweeney P, Donaldson C, Barr J, Barr M, Pollock A, McGowan S, Bowers N, Langhorne P.
- International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society. 2015 Aug;10(6)979-84.
- Stroke-associated pneumonia, a leading cause of hospital-acquired infection after stroke, affects a fifth of stroke survivors annually. Associated with increased risk of death and poorer rehabilitation outcomes, research suggests a possible relationship between stroke-associated pneumonia and patien
- PMID 26079661
- Prioritising public health guidance topics in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence using the Analytic Hierarchy Process.
- Reddy BP, Kelly MP, Thokala P, Walters SJ, Duenas A.
- Public health. 2014 Oct;128(10)896-903.
- The Centre for Public Health (CPH), at the United Kingdom's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is responsible for producing national guidance relating to the promotion of good health and the prevention and treatment of disease. Given the challenges of developing guidance in thi
- PMID 25369354
Japanese Journal
- 一次元Cohen-Macaulay局所環における擬ソークルイデアルのorderについて
- Stability of quasi-socle ideals and the structure of their associated graded rings
Related Links
- Socle is Foxconn 100% owned IC ODM and IC Channel company targeting on 8KTV, IoT and Robotics applications. IC ODM offers Silicon IP, SoC design & implementation service, and turnkey service. IC Channel offers world wild ...
- socleとは。意味や和訳。[名詞] 〔建築〕 (柱・彫像・壁などの)台石,礎石(plinth).[語源]1704.<フランス語<イタリア語 zoccolo「木靴,台座」<ラテン語 socculus; →SOCK1,-ULE - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な ...