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- zoosporangium
English Journal
- Taxonomy, molecular phylogeny, and ultrastructural morphology of Olpidiopsis porphyrae sp. nov. (Oomycetes, straminipiles), a unicellular obligate endoparasite of Bangia and Porphyra spp. (Bangiales, Rhodophyta).
- Sekimoto S1, Yokoo K, Kawamura Y, Honda D.
- Mycological research.Mycol Res.2008 Mar;112(Pt 3):361-74. doi: 10.1016/j.mycres.2007.11.002. Epub 2007 Nov 12.
- Olpidiopsis porphyrae sp. nov., a marine oomycete endoparasite that infects the commercially cultivated red alga Porphyra yezoensis, is described and its phylogenetic position based on molecular data and ultrastructural morphology is discussed. O. porphyrae infects the host Porphyra by means of ency
- PMID 18308530
- Comparative study of the effect of stress by the heavy metals Cd+2, Pb+2, and Zn+2 on morphological characteristics of Saprolegnia delica Coker and Dictyuchus carpophorus Zopf.
- Ali EH.
- Polish journal of microbiology / Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologów = The Polish Society of Microbiologists.Pol J Microbiol.2007;56(4):257-64.
- The effects of essential (Zn+2) and non-essential (Cd+2 and Pb+2) heavy metals on morphogenesis of two represantatives of informal group zoosporic fungi namely; Saprolegnia delica Coker and Dictyuchus carpophorus Zopf. were studied. These two species varied in their tolerance of each amended heavy m
- PMID 18254496
- Zoosporangial discharge in a Protoachlya hypogyna (Saprolegniaceae) isolate from southeastern North Carolina.
- Padgett DE1, Johnson TW Jr.
- Mycologia.Mycologia.2004 Mar-Apr;96(2):205-7.
- Inadequate attention to zoosporangial discharge has led to confusion in watermold taxonomic literature. This problem is discussed in light of a specimen of Protoachlya hypogyna that manifests discharge characteristic of three watermold genera, and recommendations are made to reduce future inaccuraci
- PMID 21148845
Japanese Journal
- A Trial of Marine Afforestation of the Brown Alga Eckloniopsis radicosa by Using the Spore Bag Method on the Coast of Izu-Oshima Island, Central Japan
- 駒澤 一朗,杉野 隆,滝尾 健二,安藤 和人,有馬 孝和
- 水産増殖 55(2), 213-218, 2007
- … In two areas, Senzugyokou and Goishihama, some sporophytes formed zoosporangial soni in the next August, and <I>E. …
- NAID 130003865949
- Growth and Maturation of the Brown Alga Eckloniopsis radicosa, on the Coast of Izu-Oshima Island, Central Japan
- 駒澤 一朗,杉野 隆,滝尾 健二,安藤 和人,横浜 康継
- 水産増殖 54(4), 489-494, 2006
- … The formation of zoosporangial soni on blades and release of spores were observed from July to October. …
- NAID 130003865909
- 水槽中で培養したマコンブ胞子体の子嚢斑形成と生長におよぼす水温及び光周期の影響
- 桐原 慎二,藤川 義一,能登谷 正浩
- 水産増殖 = The aquiculture 51(4), 385-390, 2003-12-20
- マコンブの採苗用藻体を得るため、天然から得られた1年目胞子体(葉長約63cm、葉幅約5cm)を用いて短期間に成熟させるための条件を検討した。150 l 水槽を用いて水温(5、10、15、20、25℃)と日長(15:9、12:12、9:15 h LD)を組合せた条件区と、ろ過海水をかけ流した自然光下の対照区で、8月から約7か月間培養し、子嚢斑の形成と生長量を観察した。その結果、25℃では、マコンブ藻 …
- NAID 10011871764
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- zo·o·spo·ran·gi·um / ˌzoʊ ə spəˈræn dʒi əm / Show Spelled [zoh-uh-sp uh-ran-jee-uh m] Show IPA noun, plural zo·o·spo·ran·gi·a /-dʒi ə / Show Spelled [-jee-uh] Show IPA. Botany. a sporangium or spore case in which zoospores are ...
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- zoosporangial