- 酵母の、発酵する。発泡の、泡立つ。若々しい、元気にあふれた。動揺している、不安定な、落ち着きのない、うわついた、軽薄な、ふざけた。不完全/未熟な
- exuberantly creative
- of or resembling or containing yeast (同)yeastlike
- a commercial leavening agent containing yeast cells; used to raise the dough in making bread and for fermenting beer or whiskey (同)barm
- any of various single-celled fungi that reproduce asexually by budding or division
- 酵母の,酵母を含む;酵母のような / 泡立つ / 元気にあふれた,いきいきした
- イースト,酵母(パン種・ビール醸造用などに使う)
English Journal
- Identification of sensory attributes that drive the likeability of Korean rice wines by American panelists. [Corrected].
- Kwak HS1, Ahn BH, Kim HR, Lee SY.
- Journal of food science.J Food Sci.2015 Jan;80(1):S161-70. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.12739. Epub 2015 Jan 5.
- Six commercial Korean rice wines were described their sensory profiles by trained American panelists, and assessed acceptances by American subjects to identify the drivers of liking and disliking factors. Thirteen statistically different descriptive attributes were defined for Korean rice wines: aro
- PMID 25559310
- Development of a lexicon for caviar and its usefulness for determining consumer preference.
- Baker AK1, Vixie B, Rasco BA, Ovissipour M, Ross CF.
- Journal of food science.J Food Sci.2014 Dec;79(12):S2533-41. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.12703. Epub 2014 Nov 13.
- Although caviar is a premium product which offers nutritional benefits, few studies have characterized its sensory properties. As such, this study sought to develop a lexicon for sensory evaluation of caviar appearance, texture, aroma, and flavor/taste and to relate these attributes to consumer acce
- PMID 25392985
- [Hygienic quality of feedstuffs for small mammals sent to the consultation service].
- Wolf P1, Siesenop U, Verspohl J, Kamphues J.
- Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere.Tierarztl Prax Ausg K Kleintiere Heimtiere.2014 Apr 16;42(2):101-6.
- OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of the hygienic status of feedstuffs for small mammals, including rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchilla, kept as pets.MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 356 feedstuffs that had been sent to the consulting service of the institute with a usable case history between January 2000 and
- PMID 24737185
- Fermentation of three varieties of mango juices with a mixture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Williopsis saturnus var. mrakii.
- Li X1, Chan LJ, Yu B, Curran P, Liu SQ.
- International journal of food microbiology.Int J Food Microbiol.2012 Aug 1;158(1):28-35. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2012.06.015. Epub 2012 Jul 2.
- This study was carried out to ascertain the behavior and fermentation performance of mixed yeasts in mango juices of three varieties. Saccharomyces cerevisiae MERIT.ferm and Williopsis saturnus var. mrakii NCYC500 at a ratio of 1:1000 were simultaneously inoculated into juices of three mango (Mangif
- PMID 22800660
Japanese Journal
- Yeasty surface display for directed evolution of protein expression, affinity, and stability
- 防菌防黴 = Journal of antibacterial and antifungal agents 27(6), 351-358, 1999-06-10
- NAID 10011075219
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- Yeasty definition, of, containing, or resembling yeast. See more. Dictionary.com Word of the Day Translate Games Blog Thesaurus.com Apps Favorites Log Out Log In follow Dictionary.com Dictionary.com Thesaurus.com Log Out ...
- yeast·y (yē′stē) adj. yeast·i·er, yeast·i·est 1. Of, similar to, or containing yeast: yeasty dough. 2. Causing or characterized by unrest or agitation; turbulent: the yeasty days before the new government was established. 3. Frothy ...
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