- out of the ordinary; "an unwonted softness in her face"
- in an unusual manner
- not subject to defeat; "with that move its a won game"
- 《be wont to do》…し慣れて,するのを常として / (特定の人の)習慣
- いつにない,まれな
- (中華料理の)ワンタン
- win の過去・過去分詞
- ウォン(韓国の貨幣単位;ウォン紙幣)
- いつもの,例の
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/09/28 11:27:02」(JST)
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For wont, see the Wiktionary entry for that word.
For won't, see shall and will.
For WONT (former television station), see WBYD-CA.
See also
English Journal
- [ISKRA guidelines on sore throat: diagnostic and therapeutic approach--Croatian national guidelines].
- Andrasevi? AT, Baudoin T, Vukeli? D, Matanovi? SM, Bejuk D, Puzevski D, Abram M, Tesovi? G, Grgurev Z, Tomac G, Pristas I; Interdisciplinary Section for Antibiotic Resistance Control (ISKRA).SourceZavod za klinicku mikrobiologiju, Klinika za infektivne bolesti "Dr. Fran Mihaljevi?", Mirogojska 8, 10000 Zagreb. atambic@bfm.hr
- Lijec?nic?ki vjesnik.Lijec Vjesn.2009 Jul-Aug;131(7-8):181-91.
- Sore throat is most commonly caused by viruses, but when caused by bacteria, the most important is group A streptococcus (GAS). The aim of these guidelines is to determine optimal treatment for streptococcal sore throat and reasonable indications for tonsillectomy, as well as recommend how to differ
- PMID 19769278
- Jon Restell on why the best wont step up.
- Restell J.
- The Health service journal.Health Serv J.2008 Aug 21:13.
- PMID 18795431
Japanese Journal
- Newly Designed Slider-Based Micro-Actuator for Magnetic Disk Drive
- Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing 5(1), 45-53, 2011
- … The slider body is able to rotate around the center of mass, and the movable end of the actuator arms are contacted but not fixed to the slider body, so the arms wont constrain the slider rotation and results to a large stroke. …
- NAID 130000653920
- 仮想化環境を用いたサーバ設定演習支援システムの設計と実装
- 林 周斗,桝田 秀夫
- 情報処理学会研究報告. IOT, [インターネットと運用技術] 2010-IOT-11(2), 1-6, 2010-10-08
- 近年,PC の普及に伴い,大学等のコンピュータリテラシ教育においても,PC の操作方法の指導や,プログラミング言語等の情報処理の基礎指導が行われている.情報処理教育の一環としてサーバの構築を演習科目として実施することにより,ネットワーク技術や,コンピュータの管理を学習させたいといった要望がある.しかし,サーバ構築演習を受講する演習者はサーバを構築した経験に乏しい場合が多く,構築したサーバが正しく動 …
- NAID 110007993635
Related Links
- Definition of wont from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
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