- 〈U〉不思議,驚き / 〈C〉不思議な物
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- 1. 小児における片頭痛の分類classification of migraine in children [show details]
…investigators reserve the term "Alice in Wonderland syndrome" to signify a perceptual disorder involving altered body image, and prefer the term "Alice in Wonderland-like syndrome" to signify an extrapersonal …
- 2. 抗コリン剤中毒anticholinergic poisoning [show details]
…psychosis (usually paranoia), coma, and seizures. Hallucinations are often described as "Alice in Wonderland-like" or "Lilliputian type," where people appear to become larger and smaller. Patients with altered…
- 3. 小児に急性発症する精神病の救急外来での評価emergency department evaluation of acute onset psychosis in children [show details]
…has been described for Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Epstein-Barr virus ("Alice-in-Wonderland" syndrome), and cerebral malaria . A history or suspicion of HIV infection should prompt consideration…
English Journal
- Historical perspectives on the control of breathing.
- Fitzgerald RS, Cherniack NS.SourceDepartments of Environmental Health Sciences (Division of Physiology), of Physiology, and of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland.
- Comprehensive Physiology.Compr Physiol.2012 Apr 1;2(2):915-32. doi: 10.1002/cphy.c100007.
- Among the several topics included in respiratory studies investigators have focused on the control of breathing for a relatively few number of years, perhaps only the last 75 to 80. For a very long time, the phenomenon of respiration presented a great mystery. The Chinese had suggestions for proper
- PMID 23798292
- Adapt or adopt: developing and transgressing the methodological boundaries of grounded theory.
- Cutcliffe JR.SourceUniversity of Northern British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada.
- Journal of advanced nursing.J Adv Nurs.2005 Aug;51(4):421-8.
- AIMS: While acknowledging that there is an existing debate regarding the nature of grounded theory, the aim of this paper is to highlight a number of common and key areas/issues where adaptation/adoption of Glaserian grounded theory in nursing-related studies often occurs. These issues are: the diff
- PMID 16086811
- Shifting from preconceptions to pure wonderment.
- Porr C.SourceFaculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Nursing philosophy : an international journal for healthcare professionals.Nurs Philos.2005 Jul;6(3):189-95.
- The author reflects upon her role as a public health nurse striving to attain practice authenticity. Client assessment and nursing interventions were seemingly sufficient until she became curious about 'Who is this person sitting across from me ' and 'What are her experiences in the world as a lone
- PMID 15935084
Japanese Journal
- 声調をめぐる『若菜集』の戦術 : 『万葉集』との関連を中心に
- <b>Notes on Anthropological Understanding of the Others</b>
- サイエンス・アートが社会に果たす役割 : Eduardo Kacの遺伝子組換えアート作品の事例を通じて
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- noun 1. wondering or wonder. 2. a cause or occasion of wonder. ... Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition 2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003 ...
- Definition of WONDERMENT 1: a cause of or occasion for wonder 2: astonishment, surprise 3: curiosity about something See wonderment defined for English-language learners » See wonderment defined for kids » Examples of WONDERMENT
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