- milkweed of the eastern United States with narrow leaves in whorls and greenish-white flowers (同)Asclepias verticillata
- North American perennial with apparently whorled leaves and showy white purple-tinged flowers (同)Aster acuminatus
- common North American yellow-flowered plant (同)Lysimachia quadrifolia
- a caraway with whorled leaves
- 輪生(茎の1点の周囲に3枚以上の葉がつくこと) / (巻き貝の)一巻き / (指紋の)渦巻
- 《疑問代名詞》『だれが』,どんな人が / 《関係代名詞》(先行詞は「人」) / 《制限用法》(…する,…した)『ところの』 / 《非制限用法》『そしてその人は(を)』,それは…する(した)人だが / 《古》《先行詞を含んで》…する人[はだれでも]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/09/11 21:02:29」(JST)
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Look up whorl in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
A whorl is a type of spiral or circular pattern.
Other meanings of whorl include:
- Whorl (botany), used to describe the attachment of sepals, petals, leaves, or branches at a single point
- Whorl (biology), used to describe the structures of organs and used in the aid of identification
- Whorl (fingerprint), a type of fingerprint pattern
- Whorl (mollusc), a single, complete 360° turn in the spiral growth of a mollusc shell
- Body whorl, in a mollusc shell the most recently formed whorl of a spiral shell, terminating in the aperture
- Hair whorl, a whorl in the hair of an animal
- Hair whorl (horse), hair whorls in horses
- Spindle whorl, a weight attached to a spindle
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- 1. アミオダロンの主な副作用 major side effects of amiodarone
- 2. 子宮筋腫と子宮肉腫の識別 differentiating uterine leiomyomas fibroids from uterine sarcomas
- 3. 慢性腎疾患関連眼疾患 eye disorders associated with chronic kidney disease
- 4. 手術時のスポンジおよびその他の異物遺残:予防およびマネージメント retained surgical sponge gossypiboma and other retained surgical foreign bodies prevention and management
- 5. 双胎妊娠:出産前の問題 twin pregnancy prenatal issues
English Journal
- Utility of Assessing Nerve Morphology in Central Cornea Versus Whorl Area for Diagnosing Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy.
- Pritchard N1, Dehghani C, Edwards K, Burgin E, Cheang N, Kim H, Mikhaiel M, Stanton G, Russell AW, Malik RA, Efron N.
- Cornea.Cornea.2015 Jul;34(7):756-61. doi: 10.1097/ICO.0000000000000447.
- PURPOSE: To compare small nerve fiber damage in the central cornea and whorl area in participants with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) and to examine the accuracy of evaluating these 2 anatomical sites for the diagnosis of DPN.METHODS: A cohort of 187 participants (107 with type 1 diabetes and
- PMID 25909237
- Comparison between fingerprints of the epidermis and dermis: Perspectives in the identifying of corpses.
- Mizokami LL1, Silva LR2, Kückelhaus SA3.
- Forensic science international.Forensic Sci Int.2015 Jul;252:77-81. doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.04.019. Epub 2015 Apr 24.
- In forensic science, the putrefaction, maceration, mummification or burning make it difficult to collect the fingerprints of the epidermis for identification purposes. In such cases, the comparison between fingerprints collected from the dermal surface and the ante mortem pattern of the epidermal su
- PMID 25965303
- Dermatoglyphic variation among the Limboo of Sikkim, India.
- Dorjee B1, Das S1, Mondal N2, Sen J3.
- Homo : internationale Zeitschrift fur die vergleichende Forschung am Menschen.Homo.2015 Jun 14. pii: S0018-442X(15)00058-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jchb.2015.02.010. [Epub ahead of print]
- Variations in finger and palmar dermatoglyphic patterns are investigated among the Limboo (18-60 years, 150 males and 150 females), a little known population of Sikkim. The results for Limboo were compared with other North-East Indian populations. The most commonly occurring pattern was loop (males:
- PMID 26142831
Japanese Journal
- モチツツジ(R. macrosepalum Maxim.)の狭細化した花弁を有する采咲き品種におけるMADS-box 遺伝子の発現
- 田﨑 啓介,中務 明,Cheon Kyeong-Seong,小林 伸雄
- Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 83(1), 52-58, 2014
- … 青海波'では,whorl 3 に対する whorl 2 における RmAG の相対的発現量は野生型と同様に低かった.一方'銀の麾'では15.5%の相対的発現量が認められた.この'銀の麾'における花弁の変異の程度は異なっており,以下 3 つのタイプ,Type 1;葯の痕跡の残る細い花弁,Type 2;細い花弁,Type 3;隣り合う花弁同士が合着した花弁に分類された.それらの花弁における RmAG の whorl 3 に対する相 …
- NAID 130004510802
- Hybrid schwannoma/perineurioma of the spinal nerve: Multifocal occurrence, and recurrence as an intraneural perineurioma
- Hayashi Tomayoshi,Hirose Takanori,Nishimura Yukimasa,Fukuoka Junya,Kishikawa Masao
- Pathology International 63(7), 368-373, 2013-07
- … Pathologically, the primary tumors showed a nodular and lobular pattern, including spindle cells in a fascicular, whorl and storiform pattern, with variable cellularity, nuclear palisading and frequent small onion bulb structures. …
- NAID 120005322492
- アンモナイト類の螺環の内部構造を説明するための模型試作
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- whorl whorls of leaves whorl (wôrl, hwôrl, wûrl, hwûrl) n. 1. A form that coils or spirals; a curl or swirl: spread the icing in peaks and whorls. 2. Botany An arrangement of three or more leaves, petals, or other organs arising from a ...
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