- 詰め物,詰め綿
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/01/16 11:56:07」(JST)
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For other uses, see Wadding (disambiguation).
Wadding is a disc of material used in guns to seal gas behind a projectile or to separate powder for shot.[1]
Wadding can be crucial to a gun's efficiency, since any gas that leaks past a projectile as it is being fired is wasted. A harder or more carefully designed item which serves this purpose is often called a sabot. Wadding for muzzleloaders is typically a small piece of cloth, or paper wrapping from the cartridge.[citation needed]
Model rockets
Wadding is also used in model rockets to prevent the parachute from melting when it ejects. Without the recovery wadding the parachute would melt because the ejection is by a small solid-fuel engine. It gets so hot it melts hot glue almost immediately.[citation needed]
Burning wadding may have ignited the fire that led to the explosion that destroyed the Orient at the Battle of the Nile (q.v.). The father of Robert Morris, "Financier of the American Revolution," died as the result of being wounded by flying wadding from a ship's gun that was fired in his honor.[citation needed]
- ^ Glossary of Firearms Terms, Introduction to Hunter Education
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English Journal
- Suicide by Shotgun in Southeastern Minnesota.
- Blessing MM1, Lin PT1.
- Journal of forensic sciences.J Forensic Sci.2015 Sep 29. doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.12946. [Epub ahead of print]
- Suicide by shotgun is a common method of suicide with high regional variation. We sought to describe their distinct, challenging features and provide demographic and risk characteristics. We reviewed 228 gunshot wounds autopsied at Mayo Clinic from 1994 to 2014; of these, 75 (32.9%) were shotgun wou
- PMID 26418185
- Microvascular decompression of trigeminal nerve root for treatment of a patient with hemimasticatory spasm.
- Dou NN1, Zhong J, Zhou QM, Zhu J, Wang YN, Li ST.
- The Journal of craniofacial surgery.J Craniofac Surg.2014 May;25(3):916-8. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000000662.
- Hemimasticatory spasm is a rare disease; with little knowledge of the pathogenesis, it has still been intractable today. We presented a 56-year-old woman with involuntary painful spasm in her left masseter muscle for 11 years. The patient was successfully treated with microvascular decompression sur
- PMID 24657975
- [Modified polyurethane foam as a local hemostatic agent after dental extractions].
- Selten MH1, Broekema FI, Zuidema J, van Oeveren W, Bos RR.
- Nederlands tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde.Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd.2013 Jul-Aug;120(7-8):378-82.
- In this split mouth experiment, the feasibility ofpolyurethane foam as a local hemostatic agent after dental extractions was studied. Ten healthy patients underwent 2 extractions ofa dental element in 1 treatment session. The 10 patients were subsequently randomly divided in a gelatin group and a co
- PMID 23923440
Japanese Journal
- 高湿環境下における合成繊維・再生繊維集合体の 繰り返し圧縮・回復特性の解析
- 中島 千恵,米田 守宏
- Journal of Textile Engineering 60(1), 15-21, 2014
- … In this study, repeated compression-recovery behavior of fiber assembly for wadding use under high humidity condition is investigated, and its behavior is compared to that of standard condition. …
- NAID 130004687507
- 高湿環境下における合成繊維・再生繊維集合体の圧縮クリープ特性
- 中島 千恵,米田 守宏
- Journal of textile engineering 58(6), 89-97, 2012-12-15
- … In this study, a compression creep behavior of three-dimensional fiber assembly for futon wadding use is investigated under high humidity condition, which simulates sleeping microclimate condition. …
- NAID 10031131721
- 高湿環境下におけるポリエステル短繊維・キュプラ短繊維集合体の圧縮応力緩和特性
- 米田 守宏,米田 守宏,中島 千恵,柳原 亜佳梨
- Journal of Textile Engineering 58(6), 77-88, 2012-12
- … AA11482543In this study, a compression stress relaxation phenomena of three-dimensional fiber assembly for futon wadding use is investigated under high humidity condition, which simulates actual sleeping environmental condition. …
- NAID 120006657667
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