- in an indulgently voluptuous manner; "he sniffed the perfume voluptuously"
- in a shapely and voluptuous manner; "a voluptuously curved woman"
- 享楽的な酒色におぼれる / 肉感的な,なまめかしい / 肉欲にふける; セクシーな; 官能的な 感覚的に快い
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2019/09/03 15:10:48」(JST)
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English Journal
- Acoustical correlates of affective prosody.
- Hammerschmidt K1, Jürgens U.
- Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation.J Voice.2007 Sep;21(5):531-40. Epub 2006 Apr 27.
- The word "Anna" was spoken by 12 female and 11 male subjects with six different emotional expressions: "rage/hot anger," "despair/lamentation," "contempt/disgust," "joyful surprise," "voluptuous enjoyment/sensual satisfaction," and "affection/tenderness." In an acoustical analysis, 94 parameters wer
- PMID 16647247
- "Sleeping in the bosom of a tender companion": homoerotic attachments in Sappho.
- Klinck AL1.
- Journal of homosexuality.J Homosex.2005;49(3-4):193-208.
- This paper reexamines the ancient evidence to see what light it sheds on homoeroticism in Sappho. From the Hellenistic period on there are derogatory references to her homosexuality-and also denials that she was involved in same-sex relationships. From the late archaic period on there are hints that
- PMID 16338894
- Perceptions of beauty in Renaissance art.
- Haughton N1.
- Journal of cosmetic dermatology.J Cosmet Dermatol.2004 Dec;3(4):229-33.
- The Renaissance was a cultural revolution that spread from Florence, in 1400, throughout Italy and into the rest of Europe. Its impetus was the philosophy of Humanism, which strove to resurrect and emulate the literature and art of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Artists had previously been limited t
- PMID 17166111
Related Links
- voluptuousとは。意味や和訳。[形]1 〈女性が〉豊満な体をした,官能的[肉感的,グラマー]な;好色な;みだらな1a ((形式))〈動作などが〉なまめかしい,色っぽい;心地よい2 〈人・生活などが〉ぜいたくな,享楽的なvoluptuousの派生語 ...
- voluptuous 【形】 〔感覚に訴えて〕官能的な、肉感的な 〔人や生活が〕官能に溺れた、ぜいたくざんまいな【発音】vəlʌ ptʃuəs【カナ】ヴォラプチュアス - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。
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