- make more striking or animated; "his remarks always vivify an otherwise dull story"
- …‘に'生命(生気)を与える,…‘を'生き生きさせる
- …‘を'よみがえらせる,再び元気づける
English Journal
- Antenarratives to inform health care research: exploring workplace illness disclosure for people with multiple sclerosis (MS).
- Vickers MH.SourceSchool of Business, University of Western Sydney, Australia.
- Journal of health and human services administration.J Health Hum Serv Adm.2012 Fall;35(2):170-206.
- I share Boje's (2001) concept of antenarratives as a useful means of presenting qualitative health care research, especially their capacity to share illness-related stories which may be fragmented, non-linear, sometimes incoherent, and often speculative. I do this to offer insights to health care pr
- PMID 23113417
- [Documentation and correction: the introduction letter, something more than simple protocol].
- Sanz-Valero J, Wanden-Berghe L, Castiel LD.AbstractIn 1978 the international committee of directors of medical magazines met informally in Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada), to establish, for the first time, the guidelines that, in relation to the format, the manuscripts sent to their magazines should contemplate. The group became known as Vancouver group. Their "Requirements of uniformity for the manuscripts sent to Biomedical Magazines" were published for the first time in 1979. In november of 2003 the committee published the last version, the sixth, in which the included topics go beyond the preparation of the manuscript. In any case, this last version of the "Vancouver Norms" makes expressed reference to the ethical aspects that converge when sending to publish a work. These ethical manifestations should be made explicit in the presentation letter, to which the new requirements give a special emphasis. It is necessary to establish a debate on the execution of the requirements of uniformity, as well as to begin, to continue and to vivify the reflection on the transcendence that supposes to fulfil them, with the purpose of facilitating the methodological normalization of the works subjected to publication.
- Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral.Nutr Hosp.2007 Jan-Feb;22(1):4-6.
- In 1978 the international committee of directors of medical magazines met informally in Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada), to establish, for the first time, the guidelines that, in relation to the format, the manuscripts sent to their magazines should contemplate. The group became known as Vancou
- PMID 17260528
- Charles M.SourceMichigan Psychoanalytic Council, USA. mcharles@msu.edu
- American journal of psychoanalysis.Am J Psychoanal.2003 Mar;63(1):21-37.
- It is often difficult to discern the line between creativity and madness. This presents a particular hazard for the analyst, whose failure to recognize real potential can result in undermining the individual's developmental strivings. This dilemma is explored through a case illustration of a woman w
- PMID 12656198
Japanese Journal
- 浜松市楽器博物館の18年 : 楽器と博物館に命を与える試み (特集 今、博物館団体に求められる底力(1))
- 個が生きる戯曲指導の方向性--授業実践「ウミヒコ・ヤマヒコ」を通して
- 子弟養成の現状と展望 : 興教大師の御精神をいかに生かすか(智豊合同教学大会紀要,興教大師850年御遠忌記念号)
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