- 関
- bristle、vibrissa、vibrissae
- react in an offended or angry manner; "He bristled at her suggestion that he should teach her how to use the program"
- a stiff fiber (coarse hair or filament); natural or synthetic
- a stiff hair
- rise up as in fear; "The dogs fur bristled"; "It was a sight to make ones hair uprise!" (同)uprise, stand_up
- have or be thickly covered with or as if with bristles; "bristling leaves"
- (特に豚の)針毛,剛毛 / 剛毛に似たもの / (怒ったり・興奮したり・怖がったりして)〈動物が〉毛を竜立てる / 〈髪などが〉逆立つ / 〈人が〉(努り・複立ちで)こわばる,けんか腰になる / (剛毛が生えたように)(…に)満ちている,(…で)いっばいである《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈毛〉を逆立てる
English Journal
- Timing of mammalian peripheral trigeminal system development relative to body size: A comparison of metatherians with rodents and monotremes.
- Ashwell KW1.
- Somatosensory & motor research.Somatosens Mot Res.2015 Aug 3:1-13. [Epub ahead of print]
- Specializations of the trigeminal sensory system are present in all three infraclasses of mammals (metatheria, eutheria, prototheria or monotremata). The trigeminal sensory system has been suggested as a critically important modality for sampling the path to the pouch and detecting the nipple or mil
- PMID 26235095
- Synergistic effect of PDGF and FGF2 for cell proliferation and hair inductive activity in murine vibrissal dermal papilla in vitro.
- Kiso M1, Hamazaki TS2, Itoh M1, Kikuchi S1, Nakagawa H1, Okochi H3.
- Journal of dermatological science.J Dermatol Sci.2015 Aug;79(2):110-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2015.04.007. Epub 2015 Apr 27.
- BACKGROUND: The dermal papilla is composed of a small clump of mesenchymal cells, called dermal papilla cells (DPCs). DPCs closely interact with epidermal cells to give rise to hair follicles and shafts during hair follicle development and the hair cycle. DPCs are promising cell sources for hair reg
- PMID 25975959
- Vibrissal sensitivity in a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina).
- Murphy CT1, Reichmuth C2, Mann D3.
- The Journal of experimental biology.J Exp Biol.2015 Aug;218(Pt 15):2463-71. doi: 10.1242/jeb.118240. Epub 2015 Jun 8.
- Prior efforts to characterize the capabilities of the vibrissal system in seals have yielded conflicting results. Here, we measured the sensitivity of the vibrissal system of a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) to directly coupled sinusoidal stimuli delivered by a vibrating plate. A trained seal was test
- PMID 26056243
Japanese Journal
- Steady and Temporary Expressions of Smooth Muscle Actin in Hair, Vibrissa, Arrector Pili Muscle, and Other Hair Appendages of Developing Rats
- Morioka Kiyokazu,Arai Mary,Ihara Setsunosuke
- … A strong signal of SMA in the skin was located in the dermal sheath as well as in some outer root sheath cells in the hair and vibrissal follicles. … This rule is valid for both pelage hair follicles and vibrissal follicles. …
- NAID 130000722778
- Ornithomya candida MaaとNycteribia pleuralis Maa(双翅目:シラミバエ科およびクモバエ科)の雄の初記載
- 佐藤 雅彦,茂木 幹義
- 衞生動物 59(1), 19-23, 2008-03-15
- これまで雄が未記載であったOrnithomya candidaミノゲトリシラミバエ(新作)およびNycteribia pleuralisハットリヘラズネクモバエについて初めて雄を記載した.ミノゲトリシラミバエの雄は,湾曲した短い挿入器とMaa(1967)による雌の記載で指摘された小顎髭上の棘毛の分布,小楯板剛毛の長さと頑強さ,口縁剛毛突起の有無,前脚と後脚の腿節の長さの比によって類似種O. avi …
- NAID 110006632636
- Hair cycle-dependent changes of alkaline phosphatase activity in the mesenchyme and epithelium in mouse vibrissal follicles
- Iida Machiko,Ihara Setsunosuke,Matsuzaki Takashi
- Development, growth & differentiation 49(3), 185-195, 2007-04
- NAID 40015330258
Related Links
- vib·ris·sal (vib-ris'ăl), Relating to the vibrissae. ... Vibrissa long, strong, and inserted at level of lower facial margin; vibrissal angle weakly projected or not projected forward, at the midway between level of lower margin of eye and lower ...
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- vibrissa、vibrissae、bristle、vibrissal
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- 感覚毛、鼻毛、触毛
- 英
- vibrissa、vibrissae、vibrissal
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- 感覚毛、剛毛、鼻毛
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- vibrissa、vibrissae、vibrissal
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- bristle、vibrissae、vibrissal