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- 1. プラークの不安定化による急性冠症候群の発症機序mechanisms of acute coronary syndromes related to atherosclerosis [show details]
…to erosion or coronary functional alterations. Plaque erosion represents the second most common lesion after plaque rupture associated with acute thrombosis in the coronary circulation. Erosions differ …
- 2. 成人における心房中隔欠損症の外科的閉鎖および経皮閉鎖surgical and percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects in adults [show details]
…database, erosion was estimated to occur in 0.1 to 0.3 (51 of 18,333) percent of ASO implants . Erosion has not been reported with the Gore HELEX or CARDIOFORM devices. Symptoms and signs of erosion include …
- 3. 心臓手術後の胸水pleural effusions following cardiac surgery [show details]
…effusions can also be caused by hemothorax, pneumonia, pleural infections, central venous catheter erosion, mediastinitis, or chylothorax . Pleural effusions of a generally benign nature occur after cardiac …
- 4. 肥満手術の後期合併症late complications of bariatric surgical operations [show details]
…Band erosion is a late complication and occurs at a mean of 22 months after surgery . Introduction of new band technology and placement technique is likely to result in a reduction of band erosions . Clinical …
- 5. 鼡径ヘルニアおよび大腿ヘルニア修復の合併症の概要overview of complications of inguinal and femoral hernia repair [show details]
…of these mechanisms, erosion of mesh into the bladder leading to recurrent urinary tract infection or hematuria, erosion into the spermatic cord causing vasal obstruction, and erosion into the gastrointestinal …
English Journal
- [Varioloform (complete) erosions in the stomach and duodenum].
- Lotz W, Schulz D, Munkel G.
- RoFo : Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin. 1984 Apr;140(4)387-92.
- One thousand five hundred and eighty-three patients who were x-rayed for dyspepsia showed varioliform erosions in 15.3%. Men had an incidence of 9.8%, almost twice as common as in women (5.5%). Mucosal polyps, usually of the hyperplastic type, occurred in 2.4%. 15% of patients with gastric ulcers an
- PMID 6425160
- Evidence for anaphylactic reactions in peptic ulcer and varioliform gastritis.
- Andre C, Moulinier B, Andre F, Daniere S.
- Annals of allergy. 1983 Aug;51(2 Pt 2)325-8.
- The theory of an allergic participation in the pathogenesis of gastric erosions occurring in varioliform gastritis and in peptic ulcer was tested in humans. Biopsies were obtained from the edges of gastric and duodenal ulcers and from the erosion edges of varioliform gastritis as well as from surrou
- PMID 6349431
- Chronic erosive gastritis: clinical, diagnostic, and pathological features in nine patients.
- Green PH, Gold RP, Marboe CC, Weinberg LM, Goldfarb JP, Brasitus TA.
- The American journal of gastroenterology. 1982 Aug;77(8)543-7.
- We have recognized nine patients with gastric mucosal lesions which were characterized by an erosion with surrounding mucosal elevation. This lesions has previously been called chronic erosive or varioliform gastritis. Patients were investigated because of upper gastrointestinal symptoms (n = 7), we
- PMID 7102635
Japanese Journal
- 印環細胞癌成分の胃転移と播種性骨髄癌症を伴った乳腺浸潤性小葉癌の1例
- 鎌田 徹,牧田 直樹,高井 優輝,山崎 圭介,神野 正博,上田 善道
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 77(4), 758-762, 2016
- 症例は72歳,女性.腰痛と食欲不振を認め,当院を受診した.その際,左乳房の変形を指摘され,当科を紹介された.初診時から高度の貧血とDICを認めた.乳房の針生検では,Indian file patternを呈する印環細胞癌が混ざる乳腺浸潤性小葉癌であった.胃内視鏡検査ではタコイボ様びらんを認め,FDG-PETでは体幹骨中心にびまん性の集積を認め,胃と骨髄の生検から印環細胞癌を認めた.胃の生検組織を免 …
- NAID 130005276895
- 蛋白漏出性胃症を合併しHelicobacter pylori除菌により改善したDiffuse varioliform gastritisの1例
- 橘 良哉,柿木 嘉平太,米島 博嗣,荻野 英朗,里村 吉威,鵜浦 雅志,三輪 淳夫
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 42(4), 822-828, 2000
- … 症例は43歳男性.主訴は下腿浮腫.著明な低蛋白血症を認め,<SUP>99m</SUP>Tcヒト楪識アルブミンシンチグラフィーで蛋白漏出性胃症と診断した.上部消化管内視鏡検査でDiffuse varioliform gastritis(以下DVG)の所見を認め,病理学的には非特異的な炎症細胞浸潤を伴う腺窩.上皮の過形成を示していた.DVGによる蛋白漏出性胃腸症と診断し約1カ月間H<SUB>2</SUB>受容体拮抗薬で加療行ったが内視鏡所見及び低蛋白血症の改善 …
- NAID 130004089920
- 幸田 隆彦,河井 博明,菊池 和人,松川 正明,栗原 稔
- 昭和医学会雑誌 55(5), 535-541, 1995
- 感染源不明の散発性アメーバ性大腸炎の2症例を報告した.症例1は45歳男性.既往歴, 家族歴に特記すべきことなく, 海外渡航歴なし.主訴は下痢, 下血.現症は左下腹部の自発痛と圧痛, 腸雑音の亢進あり.注腸X線検査で直腸からS状結腸における粘膜の不整像とバリウム斑, 横行結腸におけるタコイボびらんの多発を認めたことより, アメーバ性大腸炎を疑った.大腸内視鏡では, 潰瘍性病変の多発を認め, 潰瘍周辺 …
- NAID 130001825234
Related Links
- 1. Rofo. 1984 Apr;140(4):387-92. [Varioloform (complete) erosions in the stomach and duodenum]. [Article in German] Lotz W, Schulz D, Munkel G. One thousand five hundred and eighty-three patients who were x-rayed for dyspepsia ...
- This is a clinical and endoscopic study of gastric erosions. The varioliform erosion is occasionally classified into "disappearing" type (gastritis erosiva) and "continuous" type (gastritis verrucosa). However, it is difficult to distinguish ...
- Varioliform Gastritis — An Endoscopic Presentation Form of Helicobacter Pylori Jan L. Hedenbro, MD, PhD , Karsten Offenbartl, MD, PhD , and Roger Willén, MD PhD pp. 532–534 Full text Aspergillus Sinusitis: A Radiologic ...
- 英
- varioliform erosion
- びらん性胃炎のX線透視でみられる所見。粘膜上の点状びらんとその周囲の隆起によりなる。
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