English Journal
- On the propagation of errors.
- Jaskolski M1.
- Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography.Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr.2013 Oct;69(Pt 10):1865-6. doi: 10.1107/S090744491301528X. Epub 2013 Sep 20.
- The policy of the Protein Data Bank (PDB) that the first deposition of a small-molecule ligand, even with erroneous atom numbering, sets a precedent over accepted nomenclature rules is disputed. Recommendations regarding ligand molecules in the PDB are suggested.
- PMID 24100306
- Diurnal variation of biopyrrin excretion in random urine specimens is not corrected by creatinine.
- Ihara H1, Matsumoto T, Morita Y, Hirano A, Okada M, Hashizume N, Shioji I, Yoshimura H.
- Journal of clinical laboratory analysis.J Clin Lab Anal.2007;21(1):1-6.
- Circulating bilirubin is thought to function as a physiological antioxidant. One of the decomposition products of this process is the biopyrrins, which include two regioisomers: biotripyrrin-a (1,14,15,17-tetrahydro-2,7,13-trimethyl-1,14-deoxy-3-vinyl-16H-tripyrrin-8,12-dipropionic acid) and biotrip
- PMID 17245760
- Structure of human uropepsin at 2.45 A resolution.
- Canduri F1, Teodoro LG, Fadel V, Lorenzi CC, Hial V, Gomes RA, Neto JR, de Azevedo WF Jr.
- Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography.Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr.2001 Nov;57(Pt 11):1560-70. Epub 2001 Oct 25.
- The molecular structure of human uropepsin, an aspartic proteinase from the urine produced in the form of pepsinogen A in the gastric mucosa, has been determined by molecular replacement using human pepsin as the search model. Crystals belong to space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit-cell parameters a
- PMID 11679720
Japanese Journal
- 第24回日本総合健診医学会学術大会講演抄録集 尿中ペプシノゲン (ウロペプシン) による消化器疾患の診断
- Uropepsinogen in human urine: Its protein nature, activation and enzymatic properties of activated enzyme.
- Purification and Characterization of Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor,UTI68,from Normal Human Urine,and Its Cleavage by Human Uropepsin
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- Uropepsin等 にも増加が来るという報告をなして以 来, Uropepsin値 の動態を把握する事は,副 腎皮質 機能の一端を知る手懸かりとなりうるものとみなさ れるに至つた. 他方脳下垂体を摘出すると副腎皮質の萎縮をきた
- In the observation of the uropepsin content and the number of eosinophils after intramuscular injnection of 5 mg ACTE it is evidently that both uropepsin and eosinophils are involved in the functions of the pituitary and adrenal cortex.
- Uropepsin排 泄とは別個の細胞機能に属するもので あり,胃 内に分泌される胃液分泌量と血流中に入る pepsinogenと の間には関係はないとしている7).
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- 英
- uropepsin
- 同
- 尿ペプシノゲン uropepsinogen