- either of a pair of thick-walled tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder
- abnormal narrowing of a bodily canal or passageway (同)stricture
- 尿管(じん臓から膀胱(ぼうこう)に尿を送る筋肉質の管)
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English Journal
- Percutaneous insertion of double-J ureteral stent in children with ureteral obstruction: Our experiences.
- Ključevšek D, Ključevšek T.SourceUniversity Children's Hospital Ljubljana, Pediatric Radiology Unit, Bohoričeva 20, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Journal of pediatric urology.J Pediatr Urol.2012 Feb 23. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: Ureteral obstruction (UO) is usually treated by surgical or endoscopic approaches. We investigated whether percutaneous anterograde treatment with insertion of double-J ureteral stent (DJ) is a feasible alternative technique for the management of UO in selected cases, where traditional ap
- PMID 22364714
- Ureteropyelostomy Using the Native Ureter for the Management of Ureteric Obstruction or Symptomatic Reflux Following Renal Transplantation.
- Sandhu K, Masters J, Ehrlich Y.SourceDepartment of Urology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Urology.Urology.2012 Feb 2. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the outcome of ureteropyelostomy using the native ureter for the management of ureteric obstruction or symptomatic reflux after renal transplantation.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a single-center retrospective review of consecutive patients who underwent ureteropyelostomy aft
- PMID 22305423
Japanese Journal
- 左腎静脈内ステント留置術が奏功したナットクラッカー症候群の1例
- S状結腸癌傍大動脈リンパ節転移を疑ったIgG4関連後腹膜線維症の1例
- Congenital Ureteric Stenosis : a study of 17 children
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- stenosis [stĕ-no´sis] (pl. steno´ses) an abnormal narrowing or contraction of a body passage or opening; called also arctation, coarctation, and stricture. aortic stenosis obstruction to the outflow of blood from the left ventricle into the ...
- MLA style: "ureteric stenosis". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2016. Web. 01 Feb. 2016 < http://www.britannica.com/science/ureteric-stenosis >. APA style: ureteric ...
- 英
- ureteric stenosis
- 関
- 尿管狭窄症
- 英
- ureteric stenosis
- 関
- 尿管狭窄
- 関
- ureter、ureteral、urinary duct