- an upward movement or trend as in business activity
- 先が上を向いた / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》ひっくり返った,掘り返された
- (価格などの)上昇;(事業などの)好転《+in+名》
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English Journal
- Processing orientation and emotion recognition.
- Martin D, Slessor G, Allen R, Phillips LH, Darling S.AbstractThere is evidence that some emotional expressions are characterized by diagnostic cues from individual face features. For example, an upturned mouth is indicative of happiness, whereas a furrowed brow is associated with anger. The current investigation explored whether motivating people to perceive stimuli in a local (i.e., feature-based) rather than global (i.e., holistic) processing orientation was advantageous for recognizing emotional facial expressions. Participants classified emotional faces while primed with local and global processing orientations, via a Navon letter task. Contrary to previous findings for identity recognition, the current findings are indicative of a modest advantage for face emotion recognition under conditions of local processing orientation. When primed with a local processing orientation, participants performed both significantly faster and more accurately on an emotion recognition task than when they were primed with a global processing orientation. The impacts of this finding for theories of emotion recognition and face processing are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved).
- Emotion (Washington, D.C.).Emotion.2011 Aug 15. [Epub ahead of print]
- There is evidence that some emotional expressions are characterized by diagnostic cues from individual face features. For example, an upturned mouth is indicative of happiness, whereas a furrowed brow is associated with anger. The current investigation explored whether motivating people to perceive
- PMID 21842989
- A familial syndromal form of omphalocele.
- Port-Lis M, Leroy C, Manouvrier S, Escande F, Passemard S, Perrin L, Capri Y, Gerard B, Verloes A.SourceClinical Genetics Unit, University Hospital, Pointe-a-Pitre University Hospital, Guadalupe Island, France.
- European journal of medical genetics.Eur J Med Genet.2011 May-Jun;54(3):337-40. Epub 2011 Feb 17.
- Omphalocele is a relatively common developmental anomaly of the abdominal wall. Isolated omphalocele is generally regarded as a sporadic malformation with a negligible recurrence risk, although rare familial occurrences have been reported, compatible with AD, AR and XLR inheritance. Omphaloceles occ
- PMID 21333766
Japanese Journal
- 中学生の朝食・睡眠における行動変容と自己効力感との関連
- 本田 優子,中山 弘美,緒方 愛,船江 順子
- 熊本大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学 56, 9-14, 2007-11-30
- … We had that conclusion, the student whose self-efficacy upturned was forty percents, the other hand, the student fell down self-efficacy were seventeen percent, in the students who had better daily activity. …
- NAID 110006447941
- Alternative Male Mating Behaviors Dependent on Relative Body Size in Captive Oval Squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Cephalopoda, Loliginidae)
- Wada Toshifumi,Takegaki Takeshi,Mori Tohru,Natsukari Yutaka
- Zoological science 22(6), 645-651, 2005-06-25
- … The male used three different mating behaviors: male-parallel (MP), male-upturned (MU) ando sneaking. …
- NAID 130000017143
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- v. up・turned, up・turn・ing, up・turns. v.tr. 1. To turn up or over: upturn the soil. 2. To upset; overturn. 3. To direct upward: upturned their gaze. v.intr. To turn over or up. n. ( p turn ). An upward movement, curve, or trend, ...
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