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- 1. 上肢切断upper extremity amputation [show details]
… loss of upper extremity function resulting from an amputation can be reasonably ameliorated with the use of an upper extremity prosthesis. The indications, surgical procedures, and outcomes of upper extremity …
- 2. 原発性(特発性)上肢深部静脈血栓症primary spontaneous upper extremity deep vein thrombosis [show details]
…(spontaneous) upper extremity venous thrombosis will be reviewed here. Catheter-induced upper extremity venous thrombosis and lower extremity deep vein thrombosis are discussed elsewhere. The upper extremity …
- 3. 上肢末梢動脈疾患の概要overview of upper extremity peripheral artery disease [show details]
…extremities, upper-extremity exercise-induced pain, pain at rest, and even tissue loss may also manifest in the upper extremities. The subclavian arteries provide blood flow to the upper extremities …
- 4. 上肢神経ブロック:手技upper extremity nerve blocks techniques [show details]
…blocks of the upper extremity are used for operative anesthesia and/or postoperative analgesia for a variety of upper extremity surgeries. This topic will discuss the innervation of the upper extremity, techniques …
- 5. 上部消化管内視鏡検査(食道胃十二指腸内視鏡検査)の概要overview of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy esophagogastroduodenoscopy [show details]
… indications for upper endoscopy. In 2012, the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) issued regarding the performance of upper GI endoscopy . In general, they recommend upper endoscopy if …
English Journal
- , B B, A A, A A.
- Khirurgiia. 1979 ;32(5)426-9.
- PMID 159976
Japanese Journal
- 肺動脈低形成と左側胆嚢を合併した完全型 Cantrell 症候群の1例
- 大野 耕一,木下 博明,辻本 嘉助,中平 公士,竹内 敏,春本 研,中岡 達雄,塩川 智司,前川 保雄,森内 隆喜
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 32(6), 946-951, 1996
- 最近,我々は肺動脈低形成と左側胆嚢を合併した完全型Cantrell 症候群の1例を経験した.症例は第0生日の男児.在胎39週,生下時体重2822g で出生した.チアノーゼと 7×8cm 大の臍上型臍帯ヘルニア,胸骨下部欠損を認め,心房中隔欠損症と動脈管開存症を合併していた.第2生日に開腹したところ横隔腹部心膜欠損,横隔膜前方部欠損,左側胆嚢,腸回転異常症を認めたため,虫垂を切除したのち Marle …
- NAID 110002108083
- 27.長期人工換気を要した upper celosomia の1例(第26回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
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