- incapable of being surmounted or climbed (同)unclimbable
English Journal
- Advances and challenges of membrane-protein complex production.
- Zorman S1, Botte M1, Jiang Q1, Collinson I2, Schaffitzel C3.
- Current opinion in structural biology.Curr Opin Struct Biol.2015 Jun;32:123-30. doi: 10.1016/j.sbi.2015.03.010. Epub 2015 Apr 15.
- Most membrane-proteins exist in complexes rather than isolated entities. To fully understand their biological function it is essential to study the intact membrane-protein assemblies. The overexpression and purification of many essential membrane-protein complexes is still a considerable and often u
- PMID 25889686
- Phthalocyanine-nanocarbon ensembles: from discrete molecular and supramolecular systems to hybrid nanomaterials.
- Bottari G1,2, de la Torre G1, Torres T1,2.
- Accounts of chemical research.Acc Chem Res.2015 Apr 21;48(4):900-10. doi: 10.1021/ar5004384. Epub 2015 Apr 2.
- Phthalocyanines (Pcs) are macrocyclic and aromatic compounds that present unique electronic features such as high molar absorption coefficients, rich redox chemistry, and photoinduced energy/electron transfer abilities that can be modulated as a function of the electronic character of their counterp
- PMID 25837299
- [<RNA World"--an unlikely scenario of the life origin and early ecolution on Earth].
- Bregestowski PD.
- Zhurnal evoliutsionnoĭ biokhimii i fiziologii.Zh Evol Biokhim Fiziol.2015 Jan-Feb;51(1):64-74.
- The most widely accepted modern scenario of prebiotic evolution that led to the emergence of the first cells on our planet is the "RNA World"--a hypothetical period of the early Earth's biosphere, when the information transfer and all the processes necessary for the functioning of the primary system
- PMID 25859609
Japanese Journal
- 『嵐が丘』におけるシャーロットの序文を読む : ヒースクリフの埋め合わせられないギャップ
- 湯田 豊
- 人文学研究所報 34, 53-75, 2001-03
- … There is, I believe, an unsurmountable gap between Advaita vedanta and Buddhist Philosophy. …
- NAID 110000189056
Related Links
- British Dictionary definitions for unsurmountable Expand unsurmountable / ˌʌnsɜːˈmaʊntəb ə l / adjective 1. (of a problem, etc) not capable of being solved or overcome surmount / sɜːˈmaʊnt / verb (transitive) 1. to prevail over 2. 3. ...
- unsurmountable (ˌʌnsɜːˈmaʊntəbəl) adj 1. (of a problem, etc) not capable of being solved or overcome Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Adj. 1. unsurmountable - not capable of being surmounted or overcome ...
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